Chapter 13

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"I'm so ready for this match," James exclaimed brightly, as he and Hallie traipsed down to the pitch.

The floor was muddy, soaking through their quidditch boots and the sun had shrouded itself behind the clouds, meaning that the dreary weather continued.

Hallie shuddered in the cold, wrapping her quidditch cloak tighter around her body. "Please stop mentioning it," she muttered, as her stomach, for the umpteenth time, flipped in anticipation. It hadn't helped that to 'fuel' her body ready for the big game, James had forced the poor girl to eat a full breakfast, even after Hallie told him that she would throw it right back up if she ate too much.

"You're going to be fine Hals," James said, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. Hallie sighed, trying not to think of the match ahead. Instead she planned on making it to the changing rooms, without any complications.

In silence, both Hallie and Sophia fixed up their brooms and stood waiting for their cue to fly out onto the pitch. Hallie pulled the brunette into a tight hug, like they had done before every match in the past. "I love you Soph."

Flying out onto the pitch, Hallie tried to ignore the hollers of the crowds. She watched James carefully, who now seemed less calm; his hair was sticking up even more than usual, his rimmed glasses lopsided and his hands shaking nervously as he shook the Slytherin Captain's hand.

"Hello everybody and welcome to the first quidditch match of the year, Gryffindor vs Slytherin!" spoke Roy Jordan through the mic.

Hallie took her place in between Fawley and Browne and opposite Evan Rosier, who licked his lips flirtatiously.

Hallie cast her eyes away and instead looked towards Sirius, who Hallie noticed wasn't much better than the rest of them. He kept diverting his gaze out into the audience, nervously scanning his eyes over the crowds.

Hallie swallowed hard, placing her hands on the broom to steady her breathing.

"You ok darling?" Rosier spoke, his voice low, gruff and slightly daunting. He ruffled his hair and cast his black, beady eyes at her. "When we win, how about you come to my dorm room later tonight?"

Hallie swallowed hard yet again, her throat becoming evidently more dry. Usually when she was in these situations, she'd have people like her friends by her side. But what were Fawley and Browne going to do? They looked more scared of Evan Rosier than Hallie did combined.

"Bold of you to assume you'll win," the gryffindor replied, as she looked about the pitch, her confidence completely overdue. And right now, avoiding eye contact with Rosier was her best and only option Hallie could think of.

Hallie caught sight of Sirius, who had been watching her for several minutes. "You alright?" he mouthed across the pitch, looking between Hallie and Rosier wearily.

Hallie nodded, putting her attention back on the Slytherin, who had leant back on his broom in a casual manner.

"Come on doll," he hollered, smiling a toothy, yellowing grin. His voice had lowered and Hallie watched in complete discomfort as his eyes scan themselves slowly over her body.

The girl scoffed, pulling her cloak tighter around her body, thankfully in time for Roy Jordan to signal the start of the match. "Keep your eyes on the game Rosier."

Hallie instantly dived, scooping up the quaffle and tucking it tightly under her right arm. "And Brennans got the quaffle, speeding off across the pitch. Brennan does a perfect pass over to Browne, who passes Malfoy and heads towards the goals," spoke an over enthusiastic Roy, who was jumping up and down excitedly.

Hallie sped up, pushing her body forward to the uttermost limit. She was determined. Determined to get back at Rosier...and of course determined to win.

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