Chapter 36

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Over a week had passed, filled with even more swimming, days at the beach and games sat round in a circle at night (often with a bottle or two of fire whiskey).

Finding time alone with Sirius had become completely impossible and Hallie was running out of time before they left to actually talk to him.

No matter how drunk Hallie seemed, how intoxicated she felt, how inebriated she became, Hallie was always going to remember that night. In fact, she remembered it so clearly it felt near impossible for it to ever leave her mind.

The dynamic between the two was pretty much the same when with the others. They continued how the two teenagers usually would - pretending like nothing had happened.

But that longing for his body back against her own and the heart ache for his lips to finally touch hers in a sultry embrace, had intensified.

Hallie wanted nothing more than for his eyes to only glance at her when in a crowded room; his lips to say the words she had been dying to hear. 'I want you and only you.'

Hallie wanted the desperation of it all to just vanish completely.

She had begun to fall, no matter how hard she tried to catch herself; to stop it from happening completely.

The problem was that feelings weren't part of Sirius' forte. In fact James had told Hallie last year that Sirius had never had feelings for a girl ever. He had a desire to be with a girl and to hold her close, but never to love her in the way a guy should love their girl.

Hallie sighed, trying for the umpteenth time to get the thoughts of Sirius from her mind.

She made her way into the lounge, where Lily and Mary were lying on the floor on their stomachs, surrounded by an assortment of crafts and stationery supplies. Hallie squinted her eyes at the book that lay in front of them. "What are you two up to?"

"We're making a summer memories book," Lily grinned, holding up the photo book that the two girls had been expertly decorating. On the front the words 'Our Summer 1977' was written in bold black ink and was decorated with pink hearts and colourful ribbons.

"This is beautiful," Hallie beamed, as Mary began flicking through the book. Each page had photos from the last 2 weeks stuck in it, with Lily's perfect handwriting narrating the pictures beneath.

"Well we thought this would be perfect to look back on," Lily smiled, kicking her legs behind her excitedly. "We all took so many photos this week and last that it's only fitting we put it into a book."

Hallie began turning the pages, looking at each picture individually. The first one was a picture of the four boys, all dressed up in matching shirts and shorts. They had excited arms thrown around each other's shoulders, with beaming grins on their lips as they moved in excitement through the magic of the wizarding photograph. The caption was sweet, written: 'our favourite idiots, taken by Marlene.'

The next page made Hallie laugh, as she observed the picture of a frustrated Lily and a beaming James stood proudly with his arm around her shoulder. 'James trying to show off in front of Lily,' was the caption, 'taken by Remus'.

Lily shook her head determinedly. "I told Mary not to put that one in!"

Hallie grinned, ruffling her red hair affectionately. "I know you like it just a little Lils."

As Lily complained, Hallie cast her gaze to the next photograph of herself sitting on one of the island stools in the kitchen. In the photo, James was seen pouring Hallie a drink and Euphemia was holding a delicate hand to her head, as though checking for a fever. It was the morning after the party and her head had been pounding insufferably from the hangover.

Troubled Love║Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now