Chapter 34

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The warmth of the sunlight bathed Hallie's skin in arrows of gold, as the sea lapped up at the shore. Looking out towards the ocean, the sea was dappled with sparkles from the blazing sun, as its shafts of light poured onto its crystalline surface. The waves were dancing steadily in a rhythmic trance, relentless and sombre as the tide swept further and further up the beachfront.

Hallie's hair, soaked through with saltwater from the sea, instantly began drying in small ringlets from the flaming sun pounding upon it. She tucked her surfboard under her arm, as she walked across the sand, scorching the bottoms of her feet with each step.

James caught up to the girl, his dark hair tousled with tiny specs of sand, as he dragged his board along the ground behind him, making a trail in the sand.

"That was incredible!" Lily exclaimed, throwing her arms around Hallie's neck, before pulling back suddenly. "Ugh now I just got myself all wet!"

Remus laughed haughtily. "Should have thought of that before Lily. Though I really did think James was lying when he said he could do muggle surfing."

"Hey!" James exclaimed in annoyance, dumping his board in the sand. "Love how you had no belief in me but all the belief in Hallie!"

The quartet continued to laugh, as they traipsed back up towards the house. Hallie was in no means a morning person, but she was more than willing to get up to catch the best waves at the beach. It showed her priorities at least.

She even had to climb over the sleeping body of Sirius Black that morning, who had ended up wedging her so far into the sofa cushion, with his face only centimetres from her own.

Though Hallie wasn't complaining...

The four teens entered through the bifold doors at the back of the house, careful not to trudge sand and saltwater through the entirety of the house. Marie would throw a fit!

Euphemia, who had arrived with Monty that morning, had laid an assortment of typical French pastries in a woven basket on the island. Hungry from a morning full of exercise, Hallie and James instantly took a plate each, piling them up to the brim.

"Alright Pads?" Remus asked, causing Hallie to turn around slightly quicker than she had anticipated. Lily noticed her friend's eager behaviour, looking between the two with a beaming smile.

"Uhhh yeah, morning," he muttered, sauntering into the kitchen and grabbing himself a plate. Hallie watched from the corner of her eye towards Lily and Remus, who both gave each other an amused glance.

"Surfing good you two?" Sirius asked, as he came and stood beside James, finally glancing in the girl's direction. He had been awfully disappointed to have woken up on the sofa alone, leaving him to worry that sleeping beside her was utterly wrong and she had fled out of panic.

But no, the sight before him put his heart right back into his chest and caused it to pound violently against his ribcage. 'Merlin she looked good in red.'

"Yeah great," James muttered through mouthfuls of food. "I wasn't even as rusty as I thought!"

"You fell over on a baby wave J," Hallie teased, grabbing another bowlful of strawberries. "Just admit I'm better than you at something."

"Yeah Potter, Hals is way better," Lily smiled, coming to stand beside the veela. "You look hot when you surf."

"Thanks Lils," Hallie laughed, moving to throw a big shirt over her bikini. Sirius instantly found himself undeniably annoyed by her gesture.

"Pads you should come down tomorrow," James added, throwing an arm over Sirius' shoulder. "I mean you'll have to actually get out of bed, but please come Pads."

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