Chapter 27

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Hallie woke up with the worst possible hangover she had ever experienced. She could feel the insufferable throb of her head, as it thrashed against her skull. With her mind momentarily blank, Hallie closed her eyes once more, willing herself to remember anything that could determine why she seemed to have a thumping heartbeat behind her forehead. She stirred slightly, rolling over in the bed with an audible groan.

"Are you alright Hallie?" she heard a voice mutter. Hallie pressed a hand to her head. Her mind was playing a cruel trick on her fucked up brain - maybe she was still dreaming?

She willed her eyes open, letting the light cloud her vision only momentarily, before she could distinguish the blood red drapes and the oakwood canopy of the bed frame.

Hallie seemed rather content, staring up at the sight she awoke to almost every single morning. Atleast her brain wasn't as completely fucked up as she had originally thought - she knew for a fact that she was in the dorm room.

Her mind however instantly drifted back to the voice that had greeted her only moments beforehand. It certainly wasn't Lilys.

No. The voice was softer and a lot deeper. Hallie squinted against the streams of sunlight that had engulfed the dorm room, as she pushed herself slowly up onto her elbows.

Remus Lupin sat at the end of the bed, his potions textbook laid out beside him. He watched as Hallie's eyes widened upon seeing him, smiling to himself at how terrified the girl seemed.

Hallie was in a dorm room that looked like her own, only it wasn't. And Remus was there?

"Why the hell are we in the same dorm room?" Hallie whispered, for anything louder felt like it would make her head explode.

Remus only grinned in response, pulling his textbook shut in his lap. "You obviously don't remember a lot from last night then," he muttered in amusement, watching as Hallie's gaze moved urgently around the room. "Hals, you're in the Marauders dorm."

"Tu dois plaisanter de moi," she whined, pulling herself up to sit on the edge of the bed. [You must be kidding me]. She pushed the red drape back quickly, holding onto it tightly as she stumbled to stand up. "Why the bloody hell am I here?"

Remus grabbed Hallie's elbows, in an attempt to steady her. "Are you good now?" he laughed softly. "Last night you were properly hammered Hallie."

"Yeah, totally wasted," grinned James, who the girl hadn't noticed was lounging on his own bed until then. James' smile instantly faded as his eyes trailed themselves towards the blonde, who looked back at him with a blank expression.

Hallie could see the sadness glossed over in his eyes, accompanied with the pitiful glance he gave her. She didn't want to argue with him anymore - he really did seem like he was sorry.

Through the hardships of past family problems, when Hallie couldn't foresee a positive way out, James had always been there. He had helped her every single step of the way, through times that had felt so incredibly unbearable. James Potter was a beacon of light amidst the darkness, who had fatefully guided Hallie Brennan back to safety. 

He had opened up his home to her, when her own house didn't feel like much of a home any longer. And within the halls of the Potters estate, Hallie knew those walls held more memories of her own than anywhere else. The Potter's house would always remain her favourite place in the world - especially if James Potter was in it.

"I'm so sorry Hallie," James spoke sincerely, pulling himself to sit up. "I'm so bloody ashamed of how I acted and I'm such a fucking bad person, I know that and..." he rambled before Hallie acted, pulling the boy into the tightest hug she could muster.

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