Chapter 8

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October 31st.

Aka, the one day the Marauders lived and breathed.

Hallie knew that those four boys had something extraordinarily planned. After all, it wouldn't be Halloween without the Marauders annual holiday being celebrated dutifully. Halloween was the day the four boys roamed the school like kings. They were unnerved by the threats of detentions and they lapped up the praises of accomplishments.

So to avoid any complications like previous years, Hallie and the girls aimed to be as stealthy as possible. This had resulted in the girls gripping so hard onto the bannisters that their knuckles were turning white.

"Hiya girls," James spoke joyfully, as all four of the boys walked past. The girls all shrieked, gripping the railings even harder than before.

"Woah! What's got your female panties in a twist ladies?" smirked Sirius with a obscene wink.

"Cut the crap boys.What's in stock for today?" Marlene interjected angrily, attempting to stealthily manoeuvre herself down the stairs.

"I don't know what you're talking about McKinnon," Remus replied, though he couldn't help but let a childish grin play on his lips.

"You know what," Hallie finally said with a huff. "I'm so done with this crap. I'm too darn scared to go down the stairs, so I'd rather just go back to our dorm room, where I know," she said, glaring at each other boys in turn, "I'm safe."

She began ascending the stairs, watching as other passing students too eyed the Marauders wearily. "But you'll miss breakfast."

The voice of Sirius Black raged a furious storm inside her mind; her anger seething by the second.

"I don't care about breakfast," she spoke adamantly. "I care about being safe, not ruining my hair and especially not making a fool of myself."

James, although trying to look at Hallie sincerely was ultimately failing, smirking rather defiantly. "Don't be a wuss Hallie and come to breakfast."

Lily's eyes narrowed. "Don't call my best friend a wuss you insufferable toerag," the girl snapped angrily, grabbing Hallie's hand as the rest of the girls followed. "And I swear to god James Potter," she replied, spinning on her heel to face the boy, her eyes leered. "If you pull one prank on any of us, I will make sure you receive hell."

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The entire day was even more fun than the Gryffindor girls had first anticipated. For instance, to start off the Marauders day of mischief, they had made the Slytherins burst into song, professing their underlying love for Snape.

After the events at breakfast, Snape had gone missing for the entirety of the day. Either he was hiding back at his dorm room from sheer embarrassment or the marauders had done something else to him to make him not want to come back out.

By Potions, the teachers had started speaking nonsense, meaning that lessons had been pretty much cancelled for the entire day. Dumbledore even awarded each of the Marauders 10 house points for the excellence of their charm in making all the teachers speak a different language.

At lunch, goo had been poured on all the students no matter their house. Luckily, Hallie had quickly  tucked herself under Remus' umbrella, so she hadn't experienced what would have been disastrous. Marlene, who had been covered head to toe in green, seemed to have gotten the worst of it.

So, the majority of the day the girls spent down by the Black Lake or up at the astronomy tower. It was rather calming to say the least - after all, they hadn't had a full day without masses of homework for a long time.

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