Chapter 23

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Hallie unwillingly traipsed herself down to the Quidditch pitch at 6am the following morning. Her head pounded insufferably with every groping movement she took and her feet, though barely still able to hold her body, dragged themselves along the floor.

The following night, the five Gryffindors had ended up resigning back to the common room at 3am, meaning Hallie's usual 10 hour sleep schedule had been jeopardised.

It also meant her grouchy mood continued from her sleep deprivation and she was ready to take her anger out on anyone who dared look in her direction for too long.

Nearly tripping down the path for the fifth time that morning, Hallie swore incoherently under her breath, stopping for a moment to regain control of her surroundings. She watched from afar as James ordered the other players to take to the skies - each grabbing their brooms disheartedly.

She began to walk again, noticing someone was running up the hill as she descended. She paid no attention to this, solely focussing on her foot placement on each stone that passed - though even then, she struggled tremendously.

Once she tripped on the rock yet again, she was about to give up completely, letting herself fall to the ground. However before she could even consider it, a pair of arms latched themselves around her waist, steadying her body.

"Are you alright Hallie?" said Elijah worriedly, as he held her hips between his hands. Hallie's breath instantly hitched within her chest, as she cursed under her breath once more.

He took in her appearance slowly, casting his eyes across her face, to her body. Hallie instantly became fully aware of the fact that she lacked makeup, she hadn't brushed her hair and her breath, no doubt, still smelled potently of firewhiskey.

He took a moment before he replied, his smile widening into a vivid smirk. "Hallie Brennan, you are extremely hungover!"

Ugh, don't remind me," Hallie grumbled once again, placing a hand to her head at the noise. Her eyes could barely stay open and, by the looks of it, Elijah looked far more presentable than she did.

Hallie quickly scraped her hair up, tying it into a loose ponytail. "Why are you down here at this ungodly hour anyway?"

Elijah chucked, finally releasing his hands from her waist - though Hallie so wished he'd just put them back to where they were.

"Oh, just my usual morning run," he laughed, upon seeing Hallie's mortified expression.

"You run...for fun?" Hallie mumbled, looking up at him incredulously. "Why would you willingly put that torture upon yourself?"

"Same reason I assume you were get your mind off of things," he said softly, delicately pushing a stray piece of her hair from Hallie's eyes. His touch was soft and nurturing, yet made Hallie inwardly shiver at the unfamiliarity his touch possessed. "Why were you hammered on a school day anyway?" he asked, his eyes roaming the entirety of her face. "Any Gryffindor occasion?"

Hallie nodded her head softly, with a small yawn. "The almighty James Potters birthday. Surely you heard the bloody chant from Black in the Great Hall at breakfast?"

"Oh I heard it alright," Elijah nodded, tipping his head back euphoniously. "Think everyone heard it actually. Might have burst my eardrums a little."

"Feel bad for me," Hallie commented, gesturing down to the pitch. "I was right next to him."

"So..." Elijah began, gesturing back down the stairs. The two began to traipse downwards - Hallie slightly more enthusiastic than she had been only moments prior. "James Potter's party. Was it a whole Gryffindor thing?"

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