Chapter 38

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"Mum, please tell me she's going to be ok?" a hurried voice whispered, pain laced into each word and a muffled sob that followed.

"She will, I know she will. But right now we just need to wait honey," came the response in a hushed whisper, before Hallie felt the contact of a hand against the skin of her face, making her shudder once over. Hallie heard the first pair of footsteps leave the room.

"Hallie?" came the soft voice of Euphemia, as she felt the delicacy of her hand on her skin once more.

Hallie slowly fluttered her eyes open, taking in the blinding light of the room. Euphemia had sat herself beside the girl, her face covered in red blotches and her eyes free-flowing with tears.

"Oh darling," she sighed, slowly helping the girl to sit up - each second that passed was even more painful on Hallie's abdomen.

All Hallie felt was numb and pain, like sorrow would never really leave. Euphemia stroked the girl's hair delicately, taking in her blank expression. She was empty. Completely empty.

And for the first time, Euphemia was lost with how to help her Goddaughter. She couldn't just piece her back together like a puzzle - she knew that little girl would always be broken from then on.

"I'm so sorry," she muttered apologetically.

Euphemia didn't say another word as she busied herself with wrapping and rewrapping a cut inflicted upon the girl's arm. Hallie watched as Mia's hands remained steady, disjointed from her shaking arms. The woman took her time dabbing the cut with an alcohol rub and then tightly bandaged it back up.

The older woman moved across the Potter living room with elegance, her skirt like a halo surrounding her. She grabbed a large bottle full of medicine, before adding it to the spoon. "It will help with the pain darling."

Hallie took the spoon in her own shaking hands, causing Euphemia to place her own hands on top to stop the shaking. "There," she sighed, standing up to dust off her apron.

A loud and an abrupt cough signalled from the corner of the room as Mia stood up graciously, taking one last worried glance over her shoulder, before disappearing behind the door.

A tall, lean woman appeared in a tattered gown, too short for her elegant legs that sat themselves on stubby ankles. She had dark hair and porcelain skin that looked far too pale and drained of colour – the only vibrancy was the dark pink blush of makeup on her cheeks. She had a parchment lined notebook in her hand, the other holding a quill of fine making.

She strode across the room, the clacking of her heels persistent against the floorboards. In the direct limelight from above the couch she seemed of some importance, from her firm badge that rested on her left breast to the lanyard layered upon her dress.

"Millicent Bagnold," she spoke affirmatively, sticking her hand out in greeting. Hallie looked towards it wearily, slowly moving her fingers to grace the tips of hers. When the lady realised a firm handshake was implausible, she cleared her throat, taking a seat within the armchair beside the couch. "Hallie Brennan. Correct?" she questioned, getting her quill out to write.

Hallie continued to blankly stare at her face, trying to decipher who she was and what she was doing. "Sorry," Bagnold spoke apologetically, placing the parchment down along with the quill. "I feel you would be more comfortable with it like this."

The lifeless stare from the blonde intensified. "Millicent Bagnold," she repeated again, taking her time to observe the girls face. "Newly appointed Minister of Magic."

Hallie's head cocked up in recognition, which caused the woman to seem slightly more content. "You understand that we are trying our very best to have a clear overview of the accident at hand, right?"

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