Chapter 1

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Summer to Hallie Brennan was completely and utterly blissful. Day upon day, she scorched her skin under the blazing sun for hours, without a care in the world. At night, she stayed up into the early hours of the next morning, without the fret of school occurring the day after.

It was her summer back at home in France and truthfully she would be lying if she said she wouldn't miss it just a little.

It was like clockwork - waking up late upon each summer morning and taking long walks along the beachfront, swimming in the pool that backed onto acres of moored farmland just behind the Brennan's estate, dinner served courteously upon the terrace and watching the sunset beyond the horizon.

In fact, summer had passed in a blur of exhilaration, leading to September 1st to come around once more.

Hallie watched in awe for the 6th year running as smoke billowed effortlessly out of the steam train, which was situated upon platform 9 and 3/4. Hundreds of students and parents bustled across the platform; she could hear the 1st years squeals of excitement, contrasting to the 7th years tones of sadness. After all, it was there last, first day of school they would ever have.

"Allez Hallie," Dominic called, as he guided his daughter through the ever growing crowds of parents and children - a soft hand placed upon her shoulder.

Hallie could tell the rhythmic movement of the crowds were frustrating him ever so slightly, as Dominic determinedly weaved in and out of stationary people, trunks and cages, huffing at every thing that he deemed to be in his way.

Hallie's stepmother, Marie, who was tailing the two, walked forward ever more gracefully. She was beautiful, elegant and incomparable to the passers by - each watching as she graciously glided forward, following the squandering nature of her husband and stepdaughter in front of her.

Marie, embodied with 1/2 of Veela Magic, made her irresistible, perfect, pristine. She was always courteous and expressed a sense of graciousness in every move she took. To Hallie she was perfect, almost too perfect. She always had been.

Finally coming to a stand still, Hallie eagerly took her trunk from her Dads hand. They were now pushed back further into the crowd and were no longer getting swarmed by people from every possible direction.

"Oh mon amour," Marie spoke, cupping Hallie's face in her hands. "I can't believe it's your 6th year. One closer to graduating," she spoke dramatically, pulling the girl tightly into her chest.

Hallie struggled under Marie's tight grip and groaned in disgust as the woman placed her tinted-pink lips upon her cheek. Finally accepting defeat, Hallie waited impatiently for the moment to end.

When it finally did, Hallie sighed in relief, wiping her cheek with her sleeve, which left a rather ugly pink stain upon her shirt.

"Nous vous aimons," Marie smiled. [We love you].

Hallie smiled back awkwardly, watching as Marie wiped her eyes against her silk handkerchief. As much as the dramatics were believed by Hallie's Father, Marie was more than thankful for her stepdaughter's departure. To Marie, Hallie was simply a waste of space. She had never given her a chance. As far as Dominic Brennan knew and as far as he would look, they were an idealistic family.

Though Hallie would never let that woman be apart of her family, no matter how hard Marie tried.

Finally, Hallie was able to make her way across the platform to the train. Her Dad, Hallie noticed, was still waving feverishly into the abyss as he watched his daughter from afar.

The girl laughed brightly, sending a small wave in return.

Now Hogwarts, her real home, was only one train ride away.

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