Chapter 20

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Valentine's Day at Hogwarts meant pink streamers and glittered confetti, bouquets of flowers and poems of love declarations.

It meant couples sitting snug up beside each other in the cold February weather. Dwarves with golden wings playing harps and delivering valentines.

It meant Gilderoy Lockhart in all his glory, playing Cupid for the students and distributing Valentines across the entire school.

Ever since the 5th year joined the school, his sacred holiday had been imprudently etched onto every student's minds. In fact, most students despised Valentines completely, since Lockhart had made it into a sappy love fest, rather than a normal, sprightly day for the young couples of Hogwarts.

The five girls were already glancing wearily about the room, taking in the decorations that adorned every available area of the school. The Great Hall in particular had become a festation of love, covered floor to ceiling in pink streamers. The tables had been lined with an astonishing pink table cloth and red petals made an intricate pathway down the centre of the hall.

"This looks like my version of hell," Marlene grumbled, as the girls joined the Marauders at the newly improved Gryffindor table. Instead of mirroring the moody glares from the girls, the four boys were laughing incessantly, pointing fingers of mockery around the room.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" James spoke enthusiastically, as the girls looked irritably back.

"More like happy Lockhart day," Hallie complained, gesturing towards the fifth year, who had somehow been allowed to wear fully pink robes, with bedazzling sparkly pink shoes.

"That guy seriously needs a different hobby," Mary replied, her nose crinkling in disgust.

"Happy Valentine's Day Evans," James spoke in adoration, pulling a small rose from under the table. His eyes gleamed in longing, as he nervously held the rose out in front of him.

Hallie couldn't help but positively grin, as for the first time Lily dutifully accepted the rose, causing James to fall into a weird state of hyperventilation.

It had been a hard, prolonged task to get Lily to accept James' gift, which had taken Hallie several hours of convincing over the last few weeks. Although James never let it get to him, Hallie knew he took the constant rejections harder than he let on. And although he usually greeted Lily with some extravagant light show or a rose petal pathway, he had expressed a sense of maturity when deciding on how he were to 'woo' Lily Evans this year.

Hallie watched his beaming smile prosper, as Lily graciously thanked him for the gift and internally, Hallie was also mentally thanking Lily for making James Potter possibly the happiest boy on the planet.

James' grin didn't seem to falter, as he nudged Sirius in excitement. Sirius rested his hand on James' shoulder, whispering, "proud of you Prongs."

"So girls, who are you all excited to get a valentine from today?" Remus asked, making his 'Moony toast' as the group liked to call it, that consisted of Jam, butter, lemon curd and marmalade, each on a separate quarter.

"Oh Lockhart 100%," Hallie teased, laughing at the others mortified expressions."What? The pink robes are hot," she joked, causing Sophia to nudge her elbow roughly against Hallie's ribs.

As she looked up, said pink glitter ball was unfortunately stood directly above her, a toothy grin etched onto his pudgy features.

"Thank you Miss Brennan," he said, placing a delicate kiss on her hand.

Hallie glanced nervously to her right, noticing her friends were all finding the situation highly comical and extremely entertaining. Hallie forced a deranged smile back onto her lips, attempting to hide the panic that hadn't quite subsided, before she faced Lockhart once more.

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