Chapter 10

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Getting into Defence against the Dark Arts after her free study period, Hallie tried to keep her mind clear and vision peripheral, focusing solely on getting through the rest of the day's lessons.

This DADA lesson wasn't on the curriculum. In fact, the lesson had only been added a few days prior to their first meeting. Hallie and the girls believed Dumbledore put it in place as extra practice for the older students who were more likely to get involved in the War, as they'd grow older and leave school. After all, war was brewing practically on their doorsteps.

However, Hallie was surprised to find so many Slytherins in the lesson as well. Hallie wasn't 100% sure that their goal was to fight with the people in the room - most would end up fighting against them a few years from now.

Unfortunately, tension in the air was thick, creating a divide between the Gryffindor and Slytherin students of the class; each glaring maliciously at the other.

The five Gryffondor girls resulted to the far corner of the room, each looking between the others sceptically. However, with only one glance towards the Black brothers, who looked like they were to pounce on the other at any given moment, Hallie realised she may have been more to blame than she originally thought.

"They're always slightly more civil than this," Lily muttered worriedly, glancing between the two groups of divided students. "I mean at least they used to avoid eye contact, now those two boys could kill each other with a single glare."

Noticing Sirius move forward slightly caused the younger Black to inch forward, keeping his wand tightly in his grasp.

"They're gonna fight each other, aren't they?" Sophia muttered, inching slowly closer to Mary for protection.

Hallie watched the three other boys as they whispered to Sirius, as though telling him to just leave it be. But with the usual mischievous glint of his eye missing, Hallie knew that was never going to be the case.

"I feel like this is my fault," she muttered, trying to catch one of the boys' attention, however not one of them seemed to look over. She wrung her hands together nervously, taking nervous steps back into the corner of the room.

"How would this be your fault Hals?" Mary added soothingly, placing an arm around the veelas shoulder. Hallie eased herself slightly, before looking back up towards the two boys who had once again inched closer together.

"Remus got mad at me for merlin knows what and stormed out of the library. Then Regulus fucking Black came you can imagine how that ended."

"Was Sirius angry?" Lily asked, casting her stoic gaze towards the two.

Hallie nodded slowly. "Yeah he was...kind of I guess. Now I feel like I've caused this tension to rise again."

"It was always going to happen with those two Hals," Marlene added comfortingly. "It was only a matter of time before the other snapped."

The minute those words escaped the blonde's lips, Hallie watched in horror as Regulus leaped forward, pointing his wand directly at Sirius' chest. It caused the boy to fly backwards into the bookcase with a deafening bang. He stumbled back up with an angered growl, shooting a spell back at Regulus, who was too busy laughing maliciously to notice the rapid comeback.

A long, agonising gash appeared across the younger Black's face, dripping crimson blood down to his chin. With the two brothers now throwing spells left, right and centre, the room had turned into complete chaos; screams of pure terror filling the hollowed classroom.

Across the room, unable to help himself, Snape had unleashed an array of spells towards James, plastering the Gryffindor to the wall behind him. Without a split second of fleeting hesitation, James rammed himself into Snape, throwing the two against a table at the back of the room.

Troubled Love║Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now