Chapter 26

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The party was well underway the second the team arrived back to the common room. Already the music was exceptionally loud, being played in deafening, heart-thumping beats.

Excessive laughter and excited voices were all that could be heard from the very top of Gryffindor tower, trailing to flood the dorm rooms with thunderous pulsations of noise.

The match had ended with an astounding score of 260-40 after only half an hour of gameplay. The match had been extremely slow moving from the Hufflepuffs and the entirety of their gameplay had been sloppy and predictable, giving the Gryffindors the upper hand at securing their second victory.

The whole team was down at the party, as well as the rest of Gryffindor house.

Well almost everyone.

"Marlene!" Hallie screamed, banging her fist forcefully against the bathroom door. The blonde had been hogging the bathroom for over 15 minutes and Hallie was in no patient position to wait any longer. "I swear to merlin, if you don't get out of this bathroom right now I will decapitate that pretty little head of yours!"

"Like you have the power to do that Frenchie!" came Marlene's shout in reply from behind the locked door. Sneaky git wouldn't dare come out to face the wrath of Hallie Brennan, who was only moments away from grabbing a chair and ramming it straight into the door.

"Frenchie?" Hallie cried, utterly astounded. "That's like me calling you a piece of shit McKinnon because that is what you are!"

Sophia was soaking in the moment, unable to abstain from her fits of laughter. She was already completely made over, dressed in a blood-red dress, which complimented the paleness of her skin.

Lily on the other hand was having none of it. She had been trying to usher each of the girls out of the door, since arriving back at the dorm room just under 1 hour earlier. "Hallie Brennan, put some clothes on right now!" she ordered, still bustling herself around the dorm room.

"I am wearing clothes!" Hallie cried, banging her fist against the door once more.

"I didn't know underwear was considered clothing?" laughed Mary. The claim was true, but it wasn't entirely Hallie's fault. Her dress was hung up on the inside of the bathroom door and Marlene McKinnon was the most annoying git Hallie Brennan had ever met.

Hallie rubbed her temple, not taking notice of Mary and Sophia, who seemed to find the situation highly comical. At this point, Hallie really was considering breaking down the door with her head as the main driving force.

"J'en ai tellement fini avec toi," she muttered angrily. [I'm so done with you].

Marlene's head soon peeped its way around the door. "Oh no, the angry French muttering is coming out." Marlene took the opportunity to bite her nails in 'fear'. "I'm so terrified."

"Vous devriez être," Hallie said, rolling her eyes. [You should be].

"Ok! Ok! Calm it down girlfriend," Marlene smirked, watching as Hallie crossed her arms over her chest affirmatively. The blonde reluctantly emerged from the bathroom, as Hallie noticed the girl was about as ready as she had been 15 minutes beforehand.

"About time," Hallie groaned, shutting herself in the bathroom and locking the door behind her. But she also couldn't quite help herself. "Tu es un morceau de merde complet McKinnon!" [You are a complete piece of shit McKinnon!]

───※ ·❆· ※───

Hallie's eardrums pulsated with the deafening beat of the music - the strobe lights lighting up every inch of the room. People were already wasted; abandoned cups were scattered across the floor and body's were swaying as if they were one.

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