Chapter 5

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When Hallie and Lily finally arrived back at the common room, the three other girls were already sat down making an attempted start at their homework. 

Lily and Hallie had been in the library for a few hours following Transfiguration, in order to keep up with the mountainous pile of homework that seemed to expand with each passing hour.

Even Hallie, who hated the Library more than she hated Snape, (which is saying something incredibly bad about the library), was unable to complain to Lily about her dragging her in there. Her workload was increasing drastically by the day.

The girls chatted quietly, so as not to disrupt the rest of the common room. The common room was rather tranquil; the only sounds that could be heard was the crackling of the fire and small murmurs from other students.

"Lily?" Hallie questioned, looking towards the girls half-completed essay, before looking down at her own blank parchment. "I'm not even gonna lie to you, but I wasn't listening in that lesson. So, how is a chess piece turned into a bird?"

Lily sighed, rubbing her hand across her forehead, as Marlene laughed brightly. "I thought you two were sat next to each other?" 

"We were, until Potter and Black made a scene and McGonagall had to separate us."

"Well surely you would have picked up more then Hals. You know, given you didn't have Lily to chat to and get you distracted. Right?" questioned Sophia, who looked away from her Herbology homework in confusion.

Lily laughed, a smug grin plastered on her face. "Hallie was too busy getting her first detention of the year."

"Hallie!" Mary laughed, crossing her arms determinedly. "What did you do to get one this early in the year?"

"Black was annoying me," Hallie stated bluntly, attempting to multitask with copying Lily's essay and answering Mary's question. "I swore by accident and then poof," she added, dropping her quill dramatically. "Detention."

To regain her focus, Lily placed the quill back in Hallie's hand and tapped the page. Hallie muttered profoundly under her breath, before continuing to write.

"So then who were you next to Lily?" asked Sophia, who had now completely given up on her homework and instead had lay herself down on the couch.

"Remus," the redhead smiled. "And the thing is the detention was Hallie's fault. She got told off for swearing so she decided to swear in French instead."

Marlene cackled, throwing herself onto the armchair dramatically. "When is it not your fault my darling blonde twin."

"It never is," Hallie whined, losing focus once again, causing Lily to snatch the quill and parchment out of her hand. Proud of her achievement, that Lily was now completing her essay, Hallie sat up next to Sophia on the sofa.

"Oh and do you know what the worst part is," Hallie added. "I have to survive detention with Sirius Black."

"Not that he's not always in trouble," Mary added with a small yawn, "but what exactly did he do this time? Late for lessons? Constant disruption? Loud, egoistical laughter?"

"Nope. He was drawing dicks on my transfiguration textbook," Hallie replied blandly, before giggling to herself as the other girls broke into hysterics.

"Why does that not surprise me," Lily muttered, shaking her head assertively.

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Ahhh Miss Brennan, so nice of you to finally join us," Professor McGonagall quipped, watching as Hallie waltzed in rather late to detention.

Truthfully, it wasn't entirely her fault. The Gryffindor had completely lost track of time studying with the girls back in the common room and had sprinted the entirety of the way to the detention itself.

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