Chapter 33

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The week that had passed since returning home from Hogwarts, had been swamped with unrelenting fear.

Hallie's Father was focussing on Auror business with the ministry, meaning his whereabouts had to be unknown for his own safety.

What it meant for Hallie however, was that she had been through a week's worth of sleepless nights. She found herself unable to stop the contemplations that ran through her mind, penetrating her thoughts of every waking second of the day. She didn't want to picture the worst, yet the increasing support of the dark thundered her mind with horror-filled theories. He needed to be ok.

The only good thoughts that raced through her head that morning, was the fact that her friends would be arriving at the French Manor at any second. Hallie, along with James' persuasion, had convinced the girls and the marauders to stay for part of the summer. That way they could all be together and Hallie wouldn't have to endure two weeks with just James and Sirius by herself.

"Hallie!" Marie yelled, storming down the stairs in a struggle. She had on a vibrant pair of unflattering pink heels, that caused her wide feet to waterfall over each edge of the shoe. "I told you that if you didn't unpack your trunk you'd be in for a telling off!"

Marie seemed to make every part of Hallie hate the prospect of returning home. Hallie knew that when she was back, Marie would have full control over her and she couldn't do anything about it.

"I'm terrified!" Hallie spoke sarcastically, a wild grin plastered across her lips as she busied herself around in the foyer. Marie stomped angrily like a child, before descending the stairs. Soon enough, her wand was pointed in Hallie's face.

"You're an ungrateful little brat," she sneered, digging the wand tip deeper into Hallie's cheek. "If you were my child you wouldn't disrespect me like this!"

"Oh don't you worry about that Marie. I thank Merlin everyday that i'm not related you," Hallie conceited, causing the woman to grow angrier by the second.

"It's your Mothers fault you're like this. She was an ungrateful brat too," Marie jeered, leering her eyes towards her stepdaughter. "Going around thinking everyone bloody loved her, opening her legs to any man that would give her the time of day. No wonder you turned out the way you did!" Marie shrieked in disgust. "All you know is the lifestyle of a whore!"

Hallie's knee instantly raised itself out of anger, causing the woman to stagger backwards, holding her privates in pain.

"I hope that dick of yours is incapable of making any offspring," Hallie spoke angrily, practically spitting each word from her mouth. "They'd be the bitchiest children to walk the planet. How dare you call my Mother those words! She was a great woman!"

"You Mother was a swine!" the woman screamed, as Hallie removed herself from the scene, storming angrily into the living room. Her stoic glare lessened upon seeing an instant flash of green from the fireplace.

"You guys are finally here!"

Lily emerged from the fireplace, followed by each of the girls in tow. Hallie instantly pulled each of them into jittery hugs of excitement, as they began eagerly discussing the two weeks of summer ahead. She needn't worry about Marie now.

"I'm so excited your all here!" Hallie grinned vividly, moving the girls' trunks and bags off to the side of the room. "Was flooing alright Lils?" she asked the red head, who shook her head determinedly.

"I don't know how you guys do it everyday!" she spoke, sitting nervously down on the arm of the chair. The muggleborn had yet to attempt using the floo network. "I actually thought I was going to die."

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