Chapter 4

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After a long and dragging lecture from Flitwick regarding the importance of the content learnt at NEWT level Charms, the 6th year students were given the tedious assignment of turning vinegar into wine.

"This is so pointless," Hallie grumbled, pointing her wand at the glass that momentarily shuddered, however was incapable of producing anything. "Ugh," she added, dropping her wand. "It's not cooperating today. How is this important in my everyday life exactly?"

Sophia, who was sat beside Hallie, wasn't exactly having much luck either. Her glass hadn't even shuddered at all, causing the brunette to knock it over herself out of anger. "Maybe if you become a Mother with deep depression, then maybe you will need to know how to turn the vinegar into a nice cup of wine?" the girl shrugged.

Hallie giggled. "Oh yes that makes the most sense Soph."

Looking across the room, Hallie noticed James and Sirius had disregarded the task completely and were both taking it in turns to take shots of the vinegar.

"Remember class," Flitwick squeaked, as he awkwardly climbed upon his stack of books. "This is a very important charm. This charm reverts to a naturally occurring mechanism, but does not transform it. Otherwise, this would be a form of transfiguration. So focus please...Potter! Black! My golden goblets are not shot glasses!" he squeaked again, desperately scrambling to get off his stack of books, whilst Sirius and James were in hysterics at the back of the classroom.

"Good to know some people are enjoying this task," Sophia said, rolling her eyes irritably.

Sophia tried again, muttering the incantation with a flick of her wand. However instead of the liquid turning into a dark red colour it went completely white, causing the liquid to harden into ice.

"Oh Miss Briars!" Flitwick gasped, once again running as fast as his little legs could carry him. "You need to stop it before it..."


The ice exploded, sending shards of ice across the floor and table alike. Sophia instantly placed her head in her arms, too embarrassed to face the ruthless laughter from the rest of the class. Hallie rubbed her back comfortingly, however she giggled along with the rest of the class nevertheless.

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"I can't believe I embarrassed myself like that!" Sophia exclaimed, dragging her feet grudgingly along the floor. "Like even Pettigrew who is, no offence, utterly awful at charms managed to not produce exploding ice!"

"Soph, it's fine honestly," Hallie replied, adjusting her bag over her shoulder. "If it makes you feel any better, I couldn't do the charm either."

"Yeah but you didn't explode yours, did you?" the brunette snapped, her lips curved downwards into a melancholic frown.

The two girls turned the corner to be met with Flora Alliss, a small brunette girl who had completely cornered the two. 

Flora seemed to intentionally know everything about everyone and was indirectly labelled as the schools official drama spreader.

She seemed to live for Hogwarts' latest gossip. You and your boyfriend broke up? She would know all about it. Someone liked you? She would tell everyone she knew. Nothing exciting happened? She would make up a rumour just for the fun of it.

"Hallie Brennan, Sophia Briars," the small brunette girl beamed overenthusiastically. "How lovely it is to see you both again!"

Hallie glanced over at Sophia wearily. "Good to see you too," Hallie replied, as Sophia slowly grabbed at her arm, attempting to manouvre themselves around the girl.

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