Chapter 6

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"Soph? Sophia? Help me! She's going to murder me!" Hallie screamed, as the Gryffindor girl bolted down the stairs and into the common room.

Dozens of eyes attracted themselves to the noise, creating a rather entertaining fiasco for the Gryffindor students, who were all lounging lazily about the common room - those asleep up in their dorm, not so much.

Early Saturday morning was prime time for the academic students to get their work done, before the catastrophes that followed once the noisier lot awoke. Aka James Potter and Sirius Black.

Today however, all four of the Gryffindor boys were awake and ready in the common room, ready for Quidditch tryouts later that day. The noise that morning came from Hallie Brennan instead, who was pleadingly hiding behind Sophia, holding the brunette's waist tightly.

Sophia chuckled but seemed unfazed, as the four boys watched them curiously.

"What is wrong with her?" muttered Sirius to the three boys, loud enough that it pissed Hallie off entirely. His voice at the moment just seemed to have that effect.

Before she could retaliate, like she had on so many previous occasions, a loud booming voice, followed by rapid footsteps on the stairs penetrated into the common room.


Shit," Hallie muttered, seeing Marlene's shadow descend the stairs, "merde, merde, merde."

Hallie tugged on the hem of Sophia's jumper in worry, as more people in the common room turned to watch the commotion.

"Go get it!" screamed Marlene, as she made her way towards Hallie and Sophia, pointing her finger adamantly.

"No!" Hallie retaliated, backing further away into the corner of the room.

"Go onto the fucking roof and get it!" shouted Marlene yet again, however this time she had calmed herself down slightly, crossing her arms adamantly across her chest.

"No. Go get it yourself!"

"You're the one who threw it out the bloody window!" Marlene argued in response.

The claim itself was true, but Hallie, as a Brennan through and through, could never admit to it no matter how hard she tried. Her Dad was the same - way too stubborn for his own good.

Hallie scoffed, flicking her hair so it tumbled elegantly over her shoulder. "It was an accident!"

The rest of the common room had either resorted rather quickly to the library to finish off homework, knowing that the day had officially begun and no work would ever get done with the 6th year Gryffindors around. Or had stayed put, enjoying the rather entertaining show that the girls and the Marauders put on fairly regularly.

"You know what!" exclaimed Marlene, as she pulled Hallie's wand from her pocket and somehow managed to use the summoning charm with it. A rather strange object flew down the girls dormitory stairs and landed in Marlene's grasp. "Here's the deal. You go onto the roof and get me back my wand and I won't decapitate your pretty little French head. You got that?"

"You deserve it though!" Hallie quipped, too eager to stop herself. "Why should I go out there when you were the one acting like a bloody diva?"

"You're the only bloody diva here Frenchie!"



"Ok, ok! Enough already," spoke Sophia, as she ushered the two blondes to the sofa. Hallie sighed, as she sat down beside Remus with an audible huff. All four of the boys looked rather disturbed at the outburst of behaviour and slowly leaned away from the two.

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