Chapter 35

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Hallie's bedroom had soon become a disarray of makeup, dresses and hair products, all scattered across the floor in an attempt to get ready. On the outskirts of Deauville, there was a rather lavish Muggle club, that Hallie was more than pleased that her friends had agreed to go to.

However it also meant that once again, getting ready became the primary act of distress.

"Hallie, the green or the blue?" Marlene queried, throwing two dresses into the blondes lap. Hallie held them both up in the limelight, looking between the dresses and Marlene carefully. The girl stood waiting impatiently, her hands planted firmly into her hips. "Hallie we haven't got all bloody day!"

"The blue," Hallie finally said, throwing the dresses back to the girl, who nodded her head happily. "Matches your eyes," she quipped, watching as Marlene's smirk widened. She seemed content, running to shut herself in the bathroom.

"I have nothing to wear!" Sophia screamed, slumping down on the bed with an indignant huff. Her suitcase had become a complete disarray - a rather fashionable explosion of mess in the far corner of the room.

"Take something of mine," Hallie suggested with a shrug, watching as the brunette grinned happily.

Hallie finally turned back to the mirror that she was holding close to her face. She delicately lined her lips a faint pink, followed by a thin coat of lip gloss.

"How are we getting on in here girls?" Remus asked, as the Marauders stood in the doorway of the bedroom. The four were completely fresh with showers and dressed up ready in shirts and polos.

"Do not ask me that question!" Sophia complained, coming out of the closet. "Hallie I love all your clothes, but you have too bloody many! How the hell am I meant to pick?"

"Unbiased opinion?" Hallie suggested, as Sophia grabbed Remus' arm and dragged him to look at her dress collection.

James instantly made his way across the room, eager to stand at Lily's side. Fortunately for James, Lily made no comment about his 'unwanted presence' and instead conversed quietly with him much to his luck.

Peter had sat himself in the armchair in the far corner of the room, watching as Marlene gave him a fashion show in the blue dress, whilst trying out different pairs of heels.

Sirius stood casually in the doorway, decked in his signature black jeans and a white button down shirt. Hallie looked him up and down discreetly, before gaining his attention. "Come sit," the veela smiled softly, patting the floor beside her.

Sirius couldn't help but grin as he approached the blonde. "What are you doing?" he questioned, rummaging through her makeup bag and pulling a small palette from its contents. "See I know what this one is," he added, holding the brush in his grasp, before rubbing purple eyeshadow on his hand.

"Yeah something like that," Hallie laughed, as he passed the girl back the brush. Hallie looked through the palette questionably, attempting to pick out the best shade of eyeshadow that would coincide with her outfit. "Which one?" she asked him, as he took the palette from her hands. It took him a moment to decide, as his eyes found themselves slowly trailing downwards.

She was wearing a black miniskirt with a small slit on the left, which was embellished with a mesh lining. The skirt, in Sirius' opinion, hugged the small curves of her hips, seemingly in all the right places. The top Hallie had chosen was more of a bralette than anything - it had a halter neckline of scalloped lace, with a mesh lace trim. It was a soft lilac colour, tight fitting around the neck and upper back, offering slight cleavage through the plunge of the neckline.

His eyes seemed to roam longer than both he and Hallie had anticipated. He quickly drew his eyes down to his hands, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I think that one," he said, pointing to a light shade of purple, that in the light seemed even more pink. "I don't even understand how girls do makeup and do it so well."

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