Chapter 15

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The night before the school went home for Christmas break, was by far one of the girls' favourite nights of the whole year. The five could stay up as late as they wanted, without the fear of having homework or school the next day.

Sugar quill packets lay sprawled out across the dorm room floor, with Bertie botts of every flavour beans discarded across every available surface. Small bottles of fire whiskey were glued to each of the girls' sides - every so often Hallie took a sip, the alcohol burning down her throat.

"Ok Mary, you turn. Truth or dare," Sophia muttered, stringing another sugar quill from the side of her mouth.

Truthfully, Hallie had been reluctant in sharing her food. However, with Marlene's bribery skills and Sophia's big blue baby eyes, Hallie found it extremely difficult to say no.

"Hmmmm truth," Mary answered, taking another chug of her fire whiskey.

It didn't take Sophia long to come up with a response. "What was the best snog you've had and who was it with?"

"That's a good one," Lily grinned, only taking small sips of her firewhiskey every minute or so. After all, the girl wanted a good time, but was far more responsible than the rest of them.

"It would have to be...that muggle boy you know," she quipped. "Like if he wasn't a muggle, he would have been perfect for me," she added sadly.

Mary's parents were purebloods; not notoriously devoted to the stereotype like the Blacks, Malfoys and the Lestranges, but believed in a better upbringing nevertheless. "But that's boring. So...Hals, truth of dare?"

Hallie twirled a blue lolly through her lips. I'll say...dare."

Mary squealed excitedly, sitting upright on her bed. "Ok, I've got a really good one. Probably the worst dare we've all done to date. You sure you can handle it Hals?"

"I'm not scared of nothing," Hallie replied cheekily, throwing the lolly down onto the floor. "Give it to me."

"I dare you," Mary started mischievously, throwing glances between the other girls. "To skinny dip in the Black Lake."

"Sure," Hallie replied nonchalantly, staying put in the same position. When the other girls looked towards her sceptically, she exclaimed: "Wait! Right now right now?!"

"That was the general idea Hallie," Mary laughed, raising her eyebrow towards the blonde suggestively. Mary knew exactly how to manipulate the girl into following along with her plan. "Or will you chicken out?"

Her bribery tactics seemed to always work on Hallie - after all, a dares a dare. Hallie would never turn down the chance. It didn't matter how stupid or embarrassing it seemed. "Alright, let's go."

In the midnight hour, the school was in utter darkness and although Hallie would never admit it to the other girls, she was completely terrified.

"What happens if my body suffocates itself?" Hallie asked, following Lily down the hall, hot on her tail. "How cold will the water be? What if I forget how to swim? What if a giant squid eats me for its midnight snack?" she rambled.

"Don't tell me, Hallie Brennan, of all people, is scared?" Marlene teased, ruffling Hallie's hair affectionately.

"Oh no, I'm not scared Marly," Hallie spoke defiantly, silently walking down the snowy path that led to the black lake. The girls all shivered, as the bitterness of the winter weather nipped at their skin. "I'm just assessing the safety hazards, that's all."

Once the five girls finally reached the edge of the water, Hallie looked down. The lake was murky and dark, as though hiding its deepest and darkest secrets within.

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