Chapter 29

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Professor Sinistra greeted Hallie with a warm smile, as she made her way through the hatch leading into the Astronomy tower. Sinistra was a tall, thin woman with silver strands of hair littered through her head of predominantly white. Her eyes were dark and beady, emitting a piercing glare through her black, orb-like eyes.

As the older woman gracefully waltzed about the tower, Hallie took a seat by the wall bordering the railings, giving the girl an exceptional view of the sky. For the first time in a while, the night sky was clear; the clouds had vanished completely and the glowing orb of the nearly full moon was proudly on display.

"Partner work!" Sinistra exclaimed brightly, causing the class to groan out in annoyance.

 Working with a partner was just another excuse for late nights studying because neither one of you could ever agree on anything. At least that's what everyone else found whenever they had to partner up with someone random.

Not for Hallie particularly. She usually just used a flourish of her Veela magic to get her own way.

"Your partners will be chosen by me," Sinistra spoke, as Hallie glanced across the room helplessly. Dirk Cresswell, Hallie noticed, had been staring at her for some time. He bit his lip alluringly as he caught the blonde's eye, throwing her an obscene wink.

She quickly threw him her middle finger, instantly wishing he was sitting closer to her - so she break his nose in. She watched in disgust as he blew the veela a kiss once more, before turning back around to face his friends.

"Alright trouble?" Sirius questioned, taking in the veela's flustered state. He sat down quietly beside her, attempting to draw as little attention to himself as possible. However being Sirius Black it seemingly was rather difficult, as multiple pairs of eyes latched onto the two Gryffindors immediately.

"Yeah," Hallie breathed out, looking back over towards Dirk Cresswell - thankfully, his back was still to her. "Yeah I'm fine." Hallie watched in amusement as Sirius breathed raggedly, resting a hand upon his chest. "I assume you forgot about Astronomy...again?"

"Your acting like me forgetting is a regular occurrence Brennan," Sirius smirked, pressing his shoulder against hers, so the two were side by side. "I'm nearly always on time."

Hallie looked back at him in perplexion, shaking her head dismissively. "You came in halfway through the lesson last week..."

"Mr Black, it's so nice of you to join us...for once," Sinistra glared menacingly; her dark, beady eyes like a feral animals. Sirius bravely opened his mouth to protest, before the womans eager, hind senses beat him to it. "You will be with Miss Brennan."

"Yes we're together!" Sirius exclaimed, throwing a stray arm around the girl's shoulder. "Didn't know you fancied me this much Brennan."

"Piss off," Hallie glared, rolling her eyes as Sirius barked out in laughter.

Hallie soundlessly began setting up their telescope, 'casually' leaning across Sirius on her hands and knees to retrieve the eyepiece. Sirius' eyes widened as the hem of her skirt rose dangerously up her thigh, accompanied with her shirt untucking itself from the waistband of her school skirt.

"Bloody hell," Sirius mumbled, seeming unable to stop himself from eyeing her body appreciatively. The skirt did absolute wonders for her lithe body and their usual antiquated school shirts did absolutely no justice for her figure.

As he reluctantly tore his gaze away, his eyes leered at the sight of several Ravenclaw blokes enjoying the show also. He quickly shooed their gazes away, throwing off his cloak to wrap around the girls hips. "Sit down Brennan, you're giving out a free show."

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