05 ~ Midnight

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"I am not staring at you, I am staring at the most peaceful sight to my eyes."


A week has passed since that occurrence. Maya made sure I did not get in touch with any other Royals after that. It was the dullest week of my life—I promise—working with the head chef and the cleaning crew. In my quest to learn more about the history of the kingdom and the royal family, I was, in fact, fairly successful. The head chef is an excellent woman in her early fifties. She is a vibrant woman. She likes me a lot. She informed me about the kingdom's history and other topics; she is very knowledgeable about it.

I had not had time to slip into the prince's chamber, but I was still pleased with the information I had learned. Even though it is already midnight, I find it impossible to fall asleep. I am just tossing and turning on my bed. I sighed and went to get some water from the kitchen because the jug I kept in my room was empty.

I went to the kitchen and had water. I noticed the royal garden as I was making my way back toward the room, and before I knew it, I was moving in that direction. Since I was young, I have always been captivated by nature. I adored the foliage. That soothed and restored my soul. In the cacophony of nature, I create tranquility.

There is an unfathomable beauty to nature. The distinctiveness and individuality of every flower, the sunrise and sunset, the fortitude of the mountains in the face of misfortune, and the grandeur of the night sky. Mother Nature provides for all living things within her embrace, never allowing them to experience the bitter taste of abandonment.

When I lost my appeal in this world, it assisted me in healing. I was reminded by nature that I am not alone in my loneliness. I was grateful for the consideration that nature showed me. I opened up to the universe, and it healed me by bringing the disparate parts of my soul together.

I entered the garden and was struck by its beauty. The moon and stars shone brightly in the night sky. It is a full moon night today. The moonlight is shining brightly, soaking everything in the garden. It appears as though the stars are twinkling in unison with the brilliant moon.

I reached the garden's small pond, where ducks were swimming and beautiful flowers surrounded them. The scene was so fulfilling that I decided to sit there and record it in my memories. I sat there soaking up the moonlight, putting my worries aside for a while.

I am not sure how long I sat there, basking in nature's euphoria.

"You should not roam around at night. You will be misinterpreted by the public as a thief or, worse, a spy." I was lost in my own world until I heard a deep, husky voice in the background. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as my heart beat rapidly inside my chest.

When I looked in the direction the voice was coming from, I saw him standing there in all of his glory. I was trapped once more in his green eyes as they remained fixed on me. The most exquisite set of eyes I had ever laid eyes on were his. Like a moth drawn to a flame, they seem to draw me in. I feel threatened by his eyes. His attractive face appears emotionless, as though he is lifeless on the inside. His lovely eyes were hiding melancholy behind this impassive façade.

"Your Highness, I just needed some fresh air. I am not doing anything wrong; I was just strolling around the garden. I believe it is acceptable for us to wander in the garden," I said, standing up because it is considered impolite to sit down while the prince is speaking to you.

"You are able to talk. I thought you just looked at people," he remarked sarcastically.

"Your Highness, of course I can speak, and I was not staring at you." What the hell man, it means that he noticed that I was staring at him that day. I embarrassed myself by doing so once more, but it was not my fault—after all, who told him he was so attractive?

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