51 ~ Whispers Of Heartbreak

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"Loving you was never an option; it was a necessity."


"Who are you?" Making the ground beneath my leg slip, he said. I felt as though someone had forced me to wake up from my illusion by dousing my head in cold water.

"Why did you come?" Seeming disoriented, he remarked, but this was enough to rock my world.

The weight of what he said caused my stomach to twist and my entire body to tremble, making it impossible for me to stand upright. For what reason was he saying this? Is this some sort of prank?

"No, no, no.....no," I kept repeating this to myself as I stepped away from him. It can not be real, can it? How could Dev forget about me? He assured me that he would be by my side forever. Surely it must be a joke?

Despite my desire for it to be a joke, the seriousness in his gaze and the expressionless expression on his face revealed something I wanted to ignore. There was no trace of recognition in his olive-green eyes. The fact remained that he was blind to the situation.

Even though I could see it in his eyes, my heart was not yet ready to accept the reality that he had forgotten me. The sudden pain in my heart—the pain of heartbreak—made my chest tighten and made me think I was having a heart attack.

I could not stop crying, my heart pounding as every second I had with him flashed before my eyes. The eyes that used to look at me with devotion, love, and respect have been replaced by these lifeless ones that keep poking holes in my already--broken heart.

I had planned to slap him hard when I met him because he abandoned me. And afterwards, I would cry for every second I spent living in this timeline without him while I hugged him to my chest. However, I never anticipated experiencing what is happening.

"Are you finished sobbing? Leave my way," he remarked harshly, making my breath hitch at the underlying anger in his voice. My Dev could never speak to me like this. What has happened to him?

I cried even harder when I saw the rage in his olive green eyes. I shuddered as he balled his fists and clenched his jaw, a menacing expression flickering in his eyes.

He called out, "Security," with such intensity that I could feel his anger radiating from his voice.

When the king disparaged me, I witnessed the same fury in his eyes; however, this time, it was directed towards me, rather than them.

"Leave the lady at the door with respect," He told the guard, his gaze breaking my already broken heart.

I looked at him in disbelief—how much had he changed? He must hold a prominent position in this organization because he was kicking me out. However, I could not believe he had forgotten about me, so I tried again--possibly because I genuinely wanted my heart to crumble beneath his feet.

"What are you saying, Dev? Do not you remember me? I am your Rooh," I said in a broken voice, but my eyes twinkled with hope that he would remember me.

However, his actions were sufficient to kill that last shred of hope. My body shook as I felt everything inside of me shatter as he turned his head away from me. The guard said something, but I ignored it because I was focused only on him.

"Dev, why are you doing this? You said that my tears upset you, so why are you causing me to cry?" I said that I was feeling really exhausted from all of this emotional upheaval.

He would frequently claim that he cannot see me cry and that each time I cry, his heart is burned. So why is it not having an impact on him right now?

I studied his shocked face; briefly, his eyes showed the same emotion that my Dev had when he told me not to cry, but he closed them before I could catch a glimpse of it again, and when he opened them, they were blank once more.

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