21 ~ Opened Up

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"When I am with you, my heart soars, when away, it crawls."


The most difficult thirty minutes of my life were finally over. The closeness made my soul shudder. The bigwig of sentiments was loitering in the ambiance, making my stomach swirl. I attempted to distract myself by looking around, but it was absurd. I wanted to feel his touch as his hand encircled my waist. It was as though I was stranded in a hurricane.

This closeness always kindles a fierce desire in me. Sometimes the uneven path caused his lips to brush against my nape, causing me to tremble in his arms. These light kisses felt like an electric shock to me.

The close proximity, light kisses, and romantic setting were wearing me down. I wanted to turn around and hide in his embrace, taking a whiff of his manly fragrance. I know I sound like a pervert, but who cares? I do not. Not until he learns about my unholy thoughts. Which is impossible.

He stopped Amrit by pulling the reins. He first came down, and then he helped me down by holding onto my waist. I looked around to figure out where we were. But I could not see anything other than trees.

"Come," he said, taking my hands in his own. We walked for a few seconds before I noticed loud noises coming from somewhere. I soon realized it was the sound of a drum. As we moved forward, the sound became more noticeable. Now I could hear people as well.

The next thing I saw stunned me. There was a fair in front of me. We walked inside, and it was so attractive that I could not take my gaze away. The shops were adorned with earthen lamps for illumination.

The air was full of energy, with the sound of drums and traditional folk music vibrating in the background, creating a peaceful atmosphere. The vibrant fairgrounds, the colors throughout the area, everything was simply amazing.

It was an outburst of excitement. Various types of stalls were lined up, catching the attention of passersby. The arts and crafts, bangles, traditional clothing, and pottery were simply incredible. The air was infused with the delectable aroma of sweets and other treats. The atmosphere was lively with people chatting and laughing.

A group of young girls were joking and laughing loudly as they strolled around and visited each store. Kids ran around visiting confectionery stores. Female customers were engaged in stall shopping. Families were ambling about.

The commoners were pleased. It was obvious from looking at them. They seemed to be having fun. Just looking at them made me feel a surge of excitement. I wanted to run around and visit all of these shops. I grinned broadly at him, only to see that he was grinning slightly at me already.

He has released my hand, making me crave the warmth of his hand. But I understand that we cannot hold hands in front of others because we are not in the twenty-first century. People here are not open-minded about these issues.

We walked in, and I was literally on my toes from excitement. In my excitement, I was about to collide with a man as I walked, but my focus was entirely on the stalls. Admiring the handmade jewelry, dupatta, and other accessories. But he grabbed my arm and made me walk on the safe side, taking my place. It was a small gesture, but it made my heart flutter. I was constantly grinning like a fool. 

I paused in front of a bangle store. It appeared vibrant, with various colors adorning it. The bangles were gleaming in the light created by earthen lamps. My eyes caught a panorama of beautiful red bangles. I took a close look at them, slightly touching them. He was standing beside me.

The owner of the stall was an elderly woman. She smiled softly at us, and I smiled back, despite my social awkwardness. We were dressed like commoners, so people could not recognize their prince.

Beyond Destiny ~ A Saga Of Timeless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now