10 ~ Touch Of Love

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"He touched my soul long before, I knew what his hands feel like."


"Rooh, close your mouth." I bit my lips and lowered my head, embarrassed. How many times do I want to embarrass myself in his presence?

"I..... I.... Was.." I attempted to say something to save my remaining dignity, but nothing came out of my mouth. My thoughts were blank. My gaze refused to leave his chiseled abs. His upper body was drenched in sweat, which gleamed in the sun.

"You were what, Rooh? Tell me," he inquired again. I wanted to say something but could not think of an excuse.

"I told you something the day I made you my attendee; do you remember what I said?" What is he talking about?

"I told you that I value punctuality, and if you are late, you must face the consequences; today you are late, and you did not arrive yesterday; you deserve a punishment, do not you, Rooh?" I had completely forgotten about it. What will he do now?

He suddenly raised his sword at me, pointing the tip just a few centimeters away from my neck. If you think I am not scared, you are completely mistaken. That is it, he will kill me now; I do not want to die without losing my virginity. I have not even kissed anyone to date. My eyes were wide open, and I looked at him with horror; his gaze sent chills down my spine.

"You interrupted my practice, so now you will engage in a sword fight with me," he declared. I think he is lost his mind. I don't even know f of fencing.

"What?" I wanted to confirm, even though I had heard what he said.

"As punishment, you will engage in a sword fight with me." If he was so desperate to kill me, he should have done it easily. He motioned for me to follow him until we were in the center, which I did. Even though I was terrified, I did not have another option. He took a sword and gave it to me. It was so heavy that the tip dropped to the ground as soon as I held it in my hand.

"I do not know anything about fencing; you should probably let me go. I swear I will always be on time, Your Highness." I tried to explain, but instead of saying anything, he looked at me with amusement. He moved towards me, stood directly behind me, and whispered in my ears unhurriedly,

"I will teach you, Rooh."

After saying this, he wrapped his arms around my body, and his bare chest touched my back. I took a sharp breath. He approached my hands with both hands and lifted the sword, lightly squeezing my hands in the process.

"Your grip on the sword should be firm, and your back should be straight," he explained as we lifted the sword in our hands, but my mind was in another dimension; my focus was on his hands, which were firmly holding mine to lift the sword; due to our height difference, I was only coming up to his chest; his manly fragrance was evoking my desires. I wanted to turn around and hide my face in his chest, hugging him tightly.

"Create some distance between your two feet, keep your right foot a little ahead, and you will be able to balance," he instructed.

"Now you can swing the sword," he said before swinging it in front of us. His warm breath fell lightly on my nape, making my breathing uneven. His touch was driving me insane. It was not right. He belongs to somebody else.

"I need to leave, Your Highness," I told him, wiggling in his grip to move. He stepped aside, taking the sword in his hands, and I began running toward the entrance, but my legs became entangled in my lehenga, and I fell to the ground with a thud.

Why me? It hurts so badly. I have scratches on both of my hands. He came running towards me.

"Why on Earth were you running? It must be painful," he said as he took me in his arms and began walking toward the chamber. He kept me on his bed and dashed to the bathroom, arriving with a cotton cloth and a bowl of water.

"Why are you so clumsy? You keep falling here and there, look what happened, is it hurting?" He shouted at first, but eventually asked me softly. I shook my head in denial, despite the fact that it hurt, but his stern expression forced me to admit that it hurt.

He sighed and sat beside me on the bed. He placed the bowl on a side table and dipped the cloth into it. After that, he gently took my hand and began cleaning my scratches. He was incredibly gentle. I forgot about my pain while looking at his worried expression. His gentle demeanor pulled at my heartstrings.

He went back somewhere after cleaning both of my hands. After a few minutes, I saw him return with a bowl in his hands. He sat beside me, and I noticed it was some paste, possibly a herbal ointment. He took my hands and gently applied the paste to both hands, taking care not to hurt me any further.

I sat there staring at him in silence. Other than my family, no one treated me with such gentleness.

"Sit here, do not move, I will come back after taking a bath, the ointment will settle until then, do you understand?" he asked, and I nodded my head.

He departed, leaving me alone with my thoughts. His worried expression, care, and gentle demeanor moved my heart. I have not considered going back since he was injured. My attention was constantly drawn to him. I completely forgot about my plan and never gave it a second thought. This was not good. I am getting accustomed to living here. I need to find my way home.

This is not my life. They are not my people. I cannot become attached to this. I will hurt myself if I do not return to my own time soon.

"What are you doing here, little girl?" I looked up to see Commander Arjun standing in front of me. After the prince was injured, we were on talking terms, or rather fighting terms. I do not like him, and he obviously dislikes me. We used to only talk about the prince's health at first, but as he recovered, our conversations evolved into taunts, which we usually exchange.

"Not your concern, Commander, and do not call me little because I am not." I backfired, and he raised one eyebrow and was about to say something when his gaze fell on my hand. He examined my hands and asked,

"What happened with your hands?"

"Not your business," I said, glaring at him. Even though I was acting, he did not need to know. I can not tell him about my clumsiness because he will tease me mercilessly.

I kept glaring at him, and he reciprocated with even more intensity. Sometimes teasing him is a fun way to pass the time. Our glaring competition came to an end when we heard his voice.

"Arjun, you are here; why are you both glaring at each other?" he inquired.

"Ask her."

"Ask him," we both said simultaneously, then exchanged glares.

"Stop this, both of you. Arjun, wait here, and you will come with me." With that, he began walking; I followed him, but not before glaring at the Commander again.

We walked to the living area. Thank goodness, my foot was not hurt. He turned back to me and studied my face when we arrived. He then examined my hands, noting that the ointment had dried. Upon concluding his examination, he stated,

"Rooh, you should not act in such a manner with Arjun, as he is older than you," he said gently, as if I were a little child unsure of how to act. I averted my gaze from him rather than responding. However, he forced me to look at him by cupping my face with both hands.

"All right, since you are hurt, I will drop this for the time being." Even though I wanted to roll my eyes, I refrained.

"Go to your room and rest quietly. Do not do any work today. And please do not fall and injure yourself further. I do not want to see a single scratch on your body; you are more than just an attendee," he said, looking directly into my eyes, and I could tell he meant it. My heart was about to burst, and his next words made me feel sick from the number of butterflies in my gut.

"You are more important to me than you can imagine, and I can explain."


I love old-school romance.

I am not getting time to review the chapters. So if there are some mistakes, please tell me.

I have an exam tomorrow, I am a little scared. Wish me luck lovelies.

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