23 ~ Teasing

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"I realized I was thinking of you, and I began to wonder how long you had been on my mind. Then it occurred to me that since I met you, you have never left."


The sun is shimmering brightly, casting ardor to the surrounding ambiance. Birds are twittering loudly, creating a clangor that is preferably soothing. The ambiance is what a mortal would yearn for on a ragged day.

The chill waft blowing captures the grandeur of the aura. It is the ideal balance of coolness and warmth. This place exudes a distinct vibe that is lost in the modern world.

Butterflies are fleeing over the spectacular blossoms present in the garden. The ambiance is replenished with the fragrance of blossoms. The vibrant aura cast by the flowers is eye-catching. The trees are bent in an improper orientation, but still, they look exquisite.

It is true that everything in nature is not perfect but is still perfect. Although I was never a morning person, coming here made me realize what I was missing. Living in a world of cameras and technology, we fail to recognize and appreciate this small marvel of nature.

Sometimes, nature's splendidness is enough. We don't need photographs to capture this splendidness. We just need to feel this magnificence and capture it in our souls.

We can never have enough of nature. Nature is a home for everyone. Skimming at the equanimity of nature and admiring it is the first step in sanctifying the psyche and crux.

I came here to collect some blossoms. I amassed some gorgeous blossoms, making a bouquet from them, grinning ear to ear. Today, he will see a diverse shade of me. I am quite excited.

I sauntered into his chamber. I looked around only to find him in the practice area. He looked ravishing. A thin film of sweat covered his well-defined abs. He was performing the Surya Namaskar. I kept staring at him, sorry, ogling him. His back muscles flexed whenever he shifted. I was salivating at how hot he was.

He finished his yoga asana and looked at me. Of course, he knew I was standing here drooling over him. He was skimming at me with a devilish grin. He expects me to shy away as usual, but not today. He approached me and stood in front of me, towering over me.

"Are you done staring?" He asked me, smirking.

But instead of getting flustered, I looked at him with a smirk. I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a chaste kiss on the jaw, surprising him. When I moved away, I noticed the rosiness on his cheeks, neck, and ears.

I touched his sweaty hair and tucked it behind his ears. I glided my fingers from his forehead to his neck to his chest, forming a fictitious conduit. My gait was excruciatingly slow. He gulped, sensing my touch on his chest, and his Adam's apple slid up and down sensually. I glided my fingers down to his abs, caressing them with my fingers. He shuddered as I caressed his abs. He was glimpsing at me with wide eyes.

The red hue on his cheeks became prominent, I couldn't believe my eyes. A man known all over for his brutality, referred to as a beast, shudders at my mere touch. My influence on him made me proud.

"Of course, I am not done staring. After all, I can never have enough of you. No matter how much I stare at you, it is just not enough to satiate me, Dev." I whispered in his ears, my voice incredibly sensual.

"You should not do this, Rooh." His voice wavered. I smirked as I traced the lines on his abs.

"Why? Did you feel anything? Are you getting butterflies? Would you like to kiss me, hnn?" I smirked as I contested him. Serves him right, he asked me the same thing that day.

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