41 ~ Unveiling Emotions

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"My soul and your soul are forever tangled."


Read at your own risk; 18+ content.

I scowled at him; I had had enough of playing. I was in desperate need of release. I lifted my leg and placed my feet on his chest, gently pushing him. He looked stunned because he had not expected this. He assumed I was going to beg him for my release; I would do so in his dreams.

Sitting on the bed, I leaned my back against the headboard. I rubbed my lips with my thumb before dragging it down to my cleavage. I ran my hands over my blouse with sensuality. I grabbed my breast and massaged it over my blouse. He continued to watch me intently, analyzing every move I made.

I continued to massage it, feeling emboldened by his intense stare. As I continued to tease myself, a soft moan escaped from my lips. His breathing became ragged as he watched me pleasuring myself; he looked at me as if he wanted to pounce on me, which only fueled my desire.

With a flick of my wrist, I took off my blouse while sitting in bed. His expression darkened as he noticed my bare chest. I was fully aware of his preference for my chest.

I smirked as I began massaging and squeezing my bare breast. I ran my fingers over my nipples, pinching them slightly. I let out a moan at the sensation that caused him to grumble.

"Rooh," he said hoarsely, breaking the thick silence. His voice oozed need and desire.

This boosted my confidence, so I spread my legs and placed my other hand on my core. He inhaled sharply as he noticed my fingers running over my core.

"Rooh, you can not do this. You can not touch yourself; that is my right." He spoke darkly, giving me shivers, but I was determined to tone it down.

"Oh Dev, you had your chance, but you chose to pass it up; you can not touch me now; I do not give you permission to touch me anymore," I mocked him, knowing very well that he would not touch me unless I say so.

I leaned back on the bed and massaged my breasts, touching my wet folds. I pinched my nipple and increased the pressure on my core, throwing my head back at the sensation that caused him to growl. I looked at him with half-closed eyes, only to notice his clenched jaw.

I fully opened my eyes and smirked at him as I played with myself. And that was it; Dev's resolve crumbled as he could no longer resist the temptation. He let out a deep growl and pushed me onto the bead, hovering over me. He pinned both of my hands above my head, causing my body to arch.

My heart raced as I looked into his angry eyes, knowing I had pushed him too far. Fear gripped me, but I refused to show it on my face; instead, I summoned my courage and smirked at him.

"Dev, do you want to touch me now?" I spoke sensually, causing him to clench his jaw. 

"You can not do that; you can not touch yourself," he said, growling.

"Oh, and can you explain why? There are a million ways for me to get what I want, Dev," I said mockingly.

"Only I have the right to fulfill your desires," He asserted making my heart race.

"But you lost it yourself and now I don't want it," I said masking my anxiety.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked, and I smiled innocently at him.

"Not much; you just have to do what I told you earlier," I said, pouting like a child.

I lifted my head, brushed my lips across his, and pecked him near his lips.

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