24 ~ Gift

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"In your smile, I find my sunshine. In your arms, I find my home. Simple joys, boundless love ~ that's what you mean to me."


We sat in the dressing room, silently embracing one another. I noticed that he had been sitting on his knees for quite some time. It must be painful for him.

"Dev, get up or your knees will hurt," I say in a gentle voice, though it comes out gravelly due to previous crying sessions.

"Your man is potent enough to endure these small pains, just don't ever cry. I can not stand looking at the tears in your beautiful eyes," he said.

I created some space between our upper bodies just to gaze into his olive-green eyes. His eyes were retaining tenderness, compassion, and most notably love for me. After hearing his words, my heart began to beat rapidly. He said, "Your man."

My brown eyes continued to gaze into his olive-green ones, filled with millions of emotions. His phrases made me feel exemplary. He addressed me as his, and himself as mine. After I lost my family, I had always yearned for someone. Someone who would only belong to me, who would address me as his. Someone who would be my home, who would hug me close to his chest and reassure me that I was safe in his arms.

My friends were always there for me, but they had their own lives and families to care for. There was a constant ache in my heart. My heart had lost a piece of itself. There was a prominent hole in my heart that could not be filled. At functions, ceremonies, and festivals, I would constantly feel desolate, missing and yearning for my family. It is true that we value something only when it is far from our reach.

But perhaps my wait was over now. Maybe I found that person. But, for how long? I found him, but what happens if I lose him? I will not outlive it. I am not robust enough to abide by that ache further. He has become my everything in these months, I can't conjecture my life without him in it. In his arms, I have made my home.

I continued to dart at him without saying anything. He leaned in and kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger there. He does it a lot. He always kisses my forehead whenever he has the chance. He moved away after a few seconds.

"Why do you keep pecking my forehead?" I could not help asking him. He smiled as he heard my query. His hand moved to my cheeks, and he began feathering it with his thumb.

"Because I can not kiss your lips......yet, darling." He spoke with a smirk, pausing briefly to add emphasis to his phrase. I shuddered visibly as I heard his sensual voice; goosebumps appeared on my skin. I can not imagine his lips on mine, sucking, nibbling, and licking....Ruhi, get out of that.

I glared at him, attempting to conceal my inner turmoil from him, despite knowing that I couldn't. To my surprise, he chuckled and kissed my forehead again, muttering adorable under his breath, which I could hear due to our close proximity.

"I kiss your forehead to express how much I care for and respect you. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I never knew such colors existed until you entered my life like a fairy and filled it with them. You are my goddess, so pure that I am afraid of tainting you. I have always hurt you with my words, but that day, I made a mistake by contesting you, and I will never forgive myself for it. Even though I am broken, have a ton of demons, and am not perfect for you, I can not help but need you for my sanity. I am aware of my solipsism, but you have the power to make me better, Rooh. I want to abdicate myself to you, to my goddess. I gave you time to consider your decision, but every day, I pray to the Almighty that you accept me. Even if you decide to walk away from me, I will always respect your decision. I will protect you from afar. Whenever I kiss your forehead, I remind myself that no matter what happens, Dev will always be there for his Rooh," he said, gazing into my eyes.

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