47 ~ Echoes Of Distress

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"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."


The golden rays of the early morning sun filtered through the leaf canopy, creating a warm glow. The air was chilly and dense. The peaceful morning in Magadh was disrupted by people's chatter as we prepared to begin our journey to the temple.

It was a two-day trip, with one day spent getting there and another day returning. We dressed simply, like commoners, to conceal our identities. A small troop of soldiers would follow us from afar. They are also dressed in ordinary clothing to conceal their identity.

"Ensure your well-being," Rani Maa remarked, gazing at us with concern on her face.

"Why do you look so worried, Rani Maa?" Dev questioned her, his tone vacant.

"I do not know Pratap, and this trip does not feel good to me. I would have stopped you both, but the Priest said you both needed to finish this by tomorrow," Rani Maa said, her voice trembling with concern.

"Rani Maa, please look at me; I swear to protect her. The soldiers are also following us, so do not worry," Dev said, making her sigh.

"I have no doubt that you will look after her. It is just that I can not get rid of this uneasy feeling that something negative will occur. Go and quickly return," she said, planting a kiss on his forehead.

She approached me, gave me a firm hug, and planted a tender kiss on my forehead. I smiled in response to her gesture. I also received hugs from Nandita, Maya, and Janki Amma. I caught a glimpse of Dev discussing something with Arjun Bhaisa.

I am not sure why, but I felt uneasy. Even I was experiencing the same fears that Rani Maa was. A mixture of pride, nostalgia, and a hint of melancholy seemed to permeate the air around me. I surveyed the palace, admiring its vista.

My heart was beginning to sag. The feelings I was experiencing were clogging my throat. My strength was eroding due to the strong emotions, and I felt like I was about to be overwhelmed by them. I am not sure why, but I had the impression that this was our final meeting. I attempted to dismiss it, but it was not simply ready to go.

I said, "We will meet again soon," even though I knew deep down that I had said it to comfort myself.

They smiled and nodded their head. We set out on our voyage without realizing the plot against us was being developed.

The danger was looming over us, but we were unaware of the conspiracies that Queen Takshila and King Surya Pratap Singh, along with the Avanti Royal family, had devised.


I stood next to Amrit as we took a break from our journey—we are probably only halfway there—to rest. I offered him some grass and gave him a gentle pet, to which he responded by nudging me and laughingly licking my face.

We were having a great time playing when I felt someone pulling me away from Amrit. I rolled my eyes because I knew who it was.

"What was that, Dev?" I said, staring at him, but he was too busy glaring at Amrit to answer.

"Do not glare at him," I said, pinching his cheek. His eyes narrowed as he glared at my poor boy, who curled up against me under his intense gaze. I scowled at Dev while comfortingly petting him.

Incredulous, he asked, "You are glaring at me for him."

I reminded him to calm down, saying, "He is Amrit."

With a sarcastic tone, he remarked, "I already know that; I named him."

"Dev, why do you feel so envious of him?" I said, causing him to look amused.

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