53 ~ Tangled Emotions

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"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides."


My heart has not been at ease since she left a few hours ago. I had the impression that someone was crying, yearning, and calling for me. My inability to concentrate on the meeting persisted throughout.

I felt my heart ache as her weeping face kept flashing before my eyes, causing me to clench my jaw. Feeling frustrated, I closed my eyes and sat in my cabin, unable to concentrate on the paperwork that was in front of me.

I rose from my chair and headed for the parking lot. Taking my car, I dialed the man I had employed to protect her. What? I wanted to make sure she was safe; I am not a creep. Furthermore, do not ask me why. 

Finding out that she was in a temple, I drove there and parked my car close to the stairs. Just as I was about to exit the vehicle, I noticed her as she emerged from the temple. Her face was what caught my eye.

From my car, I could see her clearly; her eyes were red and her face was swollen. Knowing that I was the source of her tears in some way made me feel bad about myself. Her dejected expression was killing me, and I am not sure why, but I wanted to see a smile on her face.

I was staring at her when she staggered on the stairs, briefly causing my heart to stop. Just as I was ready to jump out of the car, I noticed a man saving her by holding her arm. I stepped out of the car right away and positioned myself next to a tree, but they were unaware of me.

The uncomfortable expression on her face made my blood boil as he pulled her by her arm and made her crash into his chest. She stepped back and gave a thank-you to the jerk who was grinning at her, making me want to slug his worthless face.

I am going to murder that bastard today for having the gall to flirt with my girl. How in the world is she giving him her name? After she left the temple, I strode in the direction of the man who had decided to mess with my sanity.

I walked up to him and rested a hand on his shoulder, causing him to give me a confused look. I wanted to punch him in the face with my clenched fist, but I restrained myself because he had saved her.

He raised an eyebrow at me as I said, smirking, "If I were you, I would stay away from her."

"And who are you to tell me this?" He questioned me, Dev Pratap Singh, which was quite the audacity on his part.

"Trust me, boy, you will not want to know. I will not repeat my words the next time I see you near her, but this will show you what it is capable of," I said, pulling out my gun and placing it on his chest. I smirked as he gulped and looked at it.

"I am leaving you today because you saved her. If I saw you anywhere near my girl again, you would be six feet under the earth and have six bullets in your chest," I uttered, putting the gun back in my waistband. I gave him a friendly shoulder pat and walked back to the car, pleased with the look on his face.

I parked my car outside the office and made my way to my cabin, setting my coat down on the couch. How could that bastard even come near her? I was still burning. Why had she given her name to him?

I am not sure how we are related or why she makes me feel at ease. However, I am positive that I did not enjoy that man being close to her in the slightest. The instant I saw his hands on her, I wanted to murder him. And if I do not like something, I will not let it happen, I mused, smirking.

One thing has been made clear—she is mine—by the way, my heart burned when another man was close to her. Regardless of my feelings toward her, I am certain that I will not allow anyone to come close to her, except for me.

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