09 ~ Butterflies

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"My body has become a sanctuary for the butterflies you give me."


"Feed me," he said, looking straight at my face.

"What?" I asked him in disbelief. Am I hearing things correctly? If not, why did he ask me to feed him?

"I told you to feed me with your hands," he repeated. What the hell, I am not hearing things. He wants me to feed him. Why am I getting butterflies over this?

"Why?" I questioned him.

"My hand is injured, Rooh. I cannot use my hand. So you need to feed me." I looked at his hand, and he was correct; his right shoulder was injured, and his palm was bandaged. Do I have a choice? No.

"Okay," After saying this, I took the plate and sat on the sofa beside him, as he motioned for me to do.

I took a morsel and brought it closer to his mouth; he was looking at me when I looked up; our gazes met, and he took the morsel in his mouth while looking directly into my eyes; his pink lips lightly brushed against my fingers. My entire body shook when his lips touched my fingers. Butterflies were fluttering through my stomach. I could not keep eye contact any longer, so I returned my attention to the plate.

I continued to feed him while being careful not to touch his lips. I can not take it anymore; if it happens again, I will melt like ice cream. He has an enormous appetite. He sat there eating quietly, staring at me. Please look away, or my heart will spill out.

It appears that my prayer was heard as a soldier came inside.

"Your Highness, Queen Takshila would like to meet you." The soldier informed him, and I noticed that his face stiffened.

"Okay, send her inside," he instructed.

He had finished his meals. I told the soldier to send the attendees inside to remove the silverware. They came in, took the silverware, and began walking away. I looked at him and asked,

"Should I leave?"

"No need," he said, looking outside the window.

I was standing by the side, observing him. No matter how hard he tried to hide his feelings with a blank face, his eyes gave away that he was sad.

Queen Takshila made her way inside. She was beautiful, and she appeared to be in her late thirties. She wore a stunning lehenga adorned with heavy jewelry. She walked gracefully like a queen, which she was. Prince stood up and bent to touch her feet, but she stopped him midway. He greeted her.

"प्रणाम, छोटी माँ।"

"God bless you," she said while keeping her right hand on his head. She instructed him to sit. They sat together on the couch, and she clapped her hands twice. Some attendees entered with plates in their hands. All plates contained dry fruits and other nutritious foods.

"I learned about your health. You should look after yourself. You are the crown prince. You have many responsibilities. You cannot get sick or injured. You should have brought some soldiers with you. This type of irresponsible behavior is not acceptable, Prince." She told him calmly, and I wanted to throw her out the window in front of me.

"I will keep this in mind, Choti Maa."

"As you should, I will leave now, and you eat this. You will recover quicker. I will leave those to your attendees." After saying this, she made her way outside with her attendees.

I never once got the impression that she was concerned about him—rather, she was concerned about the kingdom and its heir. He was clearly upset as he sat there and peered outside.

"Are you alright?" I asked him carefully.

"Does it matter? It does not matter whether I am fine or not," he said, still looking out the window.

"Indeed, it does matter. Everyone in the kingdom is worried for you," I told him, but he just looked at me and smiled mockingly, saying,

"They are concerned for their Crown Prince, not Dev Pratap Singh," it may have been a small sentence, but it made my heart heavy. He was hurt.

"I do care for you, for Dev Pratap Singh. I do not care if you are a prince or not; I will always care for you," I said, looking straight into his eyes. I wanted him to see in my eyes how much I cared for him. His expression softened after hearing my words. He gave me a gentle look. I stood up and exited the chamber. I could feel his gaze on my back.

I left because I could not see that soft expression. It was making my heart race and butterflies dance in my stomach. My feelings were becoming increasingly intense. I am falling deeper into a hole with each passing day; I want to control my emotions, but it seems impossible.

I used to believe that royals were the happiest people on Earth. He is not happy. He is hurt. I understand how painful it is to lose a family member. He lost his mother while he was a child. I could feel his anguish.

Time flew by as I focused on caring for him. I was responsible for feeding him three meals per day. After that conversation, we did not say much. Whenever I fed him, he would look at me, and I would get nervous. Something had changed in how he looked at me now. He looked at me as if he idolized me. He has started to trust me.

He was recovering quickly. He could now move his hands quite freely, and the dressing was also removed.

Another week had passed since his dressing was removed, and he was fine. His wounds have healed well, and I do not need to feed him anymore. I have not spent much time with Maya and Janki Amma lately. I was free today because I do not have to feed him anymore. Anyone can give him food. When I awoke, I went directly to the royal kitchen to meet Janki Amma.

It was a fun day; I talked to her about everything while she cooked. I assisted her with cooking and she taught me some dishes. Maya would join us whenever she was available.

I did not go into his chamber. Some other attendees gave him his food. After dinner, we finally went to our rooms. I slept early because I was exhausted. It felt like my day off.

I was late, I overslept, and when I got to the kitchen, attendees informed me that Prince had already eaten breakfast. I decided to visit his chamber after breakfast.

I walked into his chamber, my light pink bangles making a sound as I went. I was dressed in a simple pink lehenga and Maya's small headpiece. It was beautiful, and I felt pretty.

I looked for him, but he was not there, but the sound from the fencing area drew my attention. I walked there, and the sight in front of my eyes made me feel warm.

There he was, his dhoti dangling on his hips, his upper body bare. Strong chest muscles and an eight-pack of abs complemented his broad shoulders and toned upper body. That was it, I was done. I could not stop staring at him. He was naked on the day he was injured, but he was in pain, and that was all that mattered at the time. But today was different; I kept ogling at him, and a song was playing in my head, which I most likely heard on Instagram.

It's cuffing season,
And now we got a reason to get a big boy, I need a big boy,
Give me a big boy.

It's cuffing season,
And all the girls are
leaving to get a big boy,
I need a big boy

I want a big, big, big boy.

Perhaps he noticed me standing here and staring at him because he approached me and bent to my level, as I was only 5'3 and he was probably 6'4. He looked at me, smirking wickedly, and said,

"Rooh, close your mouth."


It is getting hot. Can you feel it?

Ruhanika, you pervert look away.

I love it, what about you guys?

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