65 ~ Reclaiming the Past

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"There is no remedy for love but to love more."


"Leave," I bellowed, causing the nurse to instantly flee in terror.

My hands trembled and my face flushed with rage as I slammed the door with a thud, which echoed throughout the hospital room. I was furious as hell.

"How could she?" I muttered under my breath, my voice shaking from suppressed rage.

I paced back and forth, each step echoing my frustration. Every fiber of my being felt like it was on fire, wildlife consuming the semblance of calm I once had.

My knuckles were bleeding from punching the wall, but that was not even my concern at the time. How could she walk out knowing that her life was in jeopardy? You will not get away with this easily, Rooh. I will not pardon you for jeopardizing your life.

The icy grip of terror tightened around my chest as I considered the potential consequences. My mind raced, painting vivid scenarios of doom and despair. Each outcome of her action seemed worse than the last, a cascade of horrors that left me paralyzed with fear. What if something happens to her? There were chills down my spine at the prospect of losing her and the aftermath of the entire ordeal. 

The ringing of my phone brought me back, and I answered the call without looking at the caller.

My fist tightened as Ansh remarked, "Boss, we got the location."

"Where?" I asked, suppressing my anger.

He said, "Prayagraj," which made me hum even though I had a lot of questions at the time.

"Tell our men to keep a close eye on her and warn everyone—one scrape on her body and I will burn them alive," I uttered menacingly.

"Arrange the private jet; we will leave for Prayagraj in 30 minutes." I gave the order and hung up.

Thousands of thoughts were racing through my head as I sat in the jet and held the letter she had left for me.

It is not surprising to me that she left; I know she was scared of the threats that fucker posed in those letters. She departed from me because she believed I would be in danger.

How can I tell her that I do not give a damn what happens to me? I am certain that bastard cannot even touch my hair; he is a coward. I do not care, though, even if something were to happen to me in order to save her. As soon as I acknowledged my feelings for her, she became my top priority.

Her letter broke my heart; I could not bear the thought of anything bad happening to her. Her choice infuriated and heartbroken me; how could she make such a decision for us alone? She has no right to tell me to go on with my life. She said she wanted to see me smile, but how can I when the person who used to make me smile is gone?

Even though her love for me was no secret, her admission of it made my heart skip a beat. How can I not read those eyes when they are so expressive? The way she looked at me when she thought I was not looking at her made me feel warm.

The terms "crown prince of Magadh" and "time travel" really piqued my curiosity. By "time travel," what did she mean?

Was I the prince and had she really traveled back in time? What in the world am I thinking? How could this be possible? How can she time travel?

Then, why do I always have dreams about wearing ancient clothes? I have also had flashes of a palace since I was a child. After meeting Rooh, those flashes became more noticeable, clear, and consistent. I had been seeing a girl in my dreams while watching a waterfall, and when I met her for the first time, I recognized her as Rooh. Was it actually possible?

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