48 ~ Echoes Of Heartache

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"If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets."


Someone was tapping my face nonstop to get me to open my eyes as I heard some murmurs.

I attempted to open my eyes, but the light was causing discomfort. I scrunched up my nose at the smell of disinfectant as a rhythmic beeping sound filled my ears. I winced in pain as I felt the throbbing of my skull travel through my muscles as I gradually regained consciousness.

I whispered, "Dev," prepared to open my eyes and see his beaming face, the same one he always has when we wake up together and he holds me in his arms.

"Devvv," I grinned and murmured once more.

Upon awakening, I glanced around in an attempt to locate Dev. I became anxious when I could not see his face. I winced at the bright light, but I called him louder because I was not getting a response. Each second that goes by, my heart sinks deeper and deeper into grief.

"Devvvvv, Where is my Dev?" I yelled and looked around, only to see white, monochromatic walls and nurses standing near me.

Where exactly am I? Panic broke out within me because I could not feel his presence near me.

"You are awake," someone said, entering the room and yelling for the doctor.

My heart sank as I took in the surroundings; I was in a hospital. I could smell disinfectant all around me. I looked at the nurses, who were staring at me in shock while sporting a white dress.

My gaze fell on my hand that had a saline bandage on it. My breathing became labored as I became aware of what was going on.

"No, nooo, nooo, where is my Dev?" I muttered to myself and yanked the drip from my hand, causing it to bleed, before jumping out of bed.

I need to see my Dev; this cannot be true. I can not be here, please.

I attempted to run towards the door, but people rushed inside and grabbed me tightly. I tried to fight back and run towards the door, but my strength was nothing compared to theirs.

I scrabbled the nurse's arms and yelled, "Leave me go, I want to meet my Dev!" My heart felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly as I was reminded of Dev lying in my lap, lifeless and covered in blood, like a scene from a movie. I repeatedly screamed his name while digging my nails into their hands.

I thrashed around, making it hard for them to hold me, saying, "Dev, leave me, he needs my help." My throat constricted, and I felt as though I was suffocating without him—as if my life's meaning had been stolen.

I felt a pinch on my neck and discovered that the doctor had injected something into my body. I began fighting with more strength.

"What have you done? I want to meet my dev," I said as my strength drained and I became dizzy. I felt devastated and began frantically kicking my legs, wanting nothing more than to return to where I belonged—into his warm, protective embrace, to the only person who could possibly soothe me in this devastated state I was in at the moment.

I cried over and over again as I remembered our last kiss, the way he pecked my lips slowly and looked at me as if I were the most precious thing in the universe.

I cried as I fell into a deep slumber as a result of the sedative that the doctor injected into me.


Nothing stays the same when someone is in love; all of their feelings and emotions are focused on the one person who has captured their heart. The same thing happened to me—I never intended to fall in love, but I did, and I will never be able to shake the feeling. My heartbeat was in sync with his, my breaths mingled with his, my body shivered with each touch, and my cheeks heated up at his mention. His eyes, face, smile, touch, and every aspect of his being have left an indelible impression on me.

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