22 ~ Unsaid Words

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"While some things are better left unsaid, some things should never be left unspoken."


I kept holding him in my embrace because I did not know what else to say. I was never good at consoling others. I have felt the same way, and I know that during this phase, no matter what you say, only the person experiencing the pain will understand. That I understand you and everything else is just nonsense. No matter what I said, I could never fully comprehend his anguish. I only understand what he said. There is more to the story, and he was unable to speak out.

"Do you think she is proud of me?" I heard his raspy voice.

"Of course, she is proud of you, Dev. You are an excellent man. You are a good son, brother, prince, and, above all, a good person. You understand your people's concerns; I know you reduced the surcharges because this year's crops were unsatisfactory. You hear the people out there, and I have no doubt that you will become a magnificent king in the future. You have brought pride to your mother." I reassured him. He battled the ministers to lower tariffs.

He gave me a slight smile but said nothing else. He was staring up at the night sky while seated quietly. It was evident on his face that he did not believe me. He was having self-doubt. When you are abused and mistreated as a child, it is normal to experience self-doubt.

"You know Dev. In an accident, I also lost my grandparents and both of my parents. Only I outlived that accident somehow, when I woke up and came to know about this, I was stupefied. I wanted to die, I couldn't believe that my family had left me. I wanted them back with me. I began to condemn myself. I reasoned that if I had not been so stubborn, they might still be alive. I told them I wanted to go on an outing and started crying when they said no. Every day, I cursed myself for being so stubborn."

"It was not your fault, Rooh; it was a mishap," he stated.

"Exactly, Dev, it was a misfortune; I had no idea this would happen, or I would never have let them out. I would never have been stubborn. But I had no idea this would happen. The same applies to you. You had no idea this would happen, and you were only a child. Things were beyond your control," I told him my story to help him understand the context. He only looked at me.

"Do not do this to little Dev, Dev. He was only a child, a survivor. He did his best to make his mother happy. It was not his fault. He was afraid for his mother. He wanted her to be happy. He does not deserve this. He does not deserve your self-hatred. He deserves to be happy."

Throughout, he kept looking at me with his olive-green eyes. Millions of emotions were swirling through his eyes. He was looking for the assurance that he did not receive. I looked into his eyes, letting him know that no matter what happened, I would be by his side. My fingers will always be in between his.

He hugged me tightly. My head was close to his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat. I pecked his chest right where his heart is. Perhaps it was our unspoken agreement.


We walked through the dense trees in the darkness. He gripped my hands tightly in his large, rough ones. I felt safe and secure, even at dusk. I was confident that he would look after me.

I did not know what had happened, but I felt more intimate with him than ever. Healthy communication is the first step toward a fulfilling relationship. Be it friendship, love, or marriage, healthy communication makes it bloom.

Today, we shared the things that hurt the most with each other, laying the groundwork for our blossoming relationship. I am feeling elated today.

I was walking while staring at his side profile, grinning like a love-sick fool. His jawline was sharp as a knife. The moonlight shining on his face made him appear ethereal.

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