37 ~ The Charade

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"You are part of my existence, part of myself. You have been in every line I ever read."


"I apologize, but I was not sure about this myself, and I did not know how you would react; please say something," I said nervously.

We returned this morning after watching the sunrise together. I was surprised when he handed me my clean, dried clothes because I had not dried them. He washed and dried them while I was sleeping. Can you believe it? I mean, he is a prince; I am not sure if he has ever washed his own clothes.

He is the man of dreams. He is loyal, intelligent, sharp, can fight for me, cares about me, loves me, and most importantly, respects me. Furthermore, he is stunningly attractive. I would give my life for my man. Ahhhhh, my man, that sounds so good.

Ruhanika, focus girl. Everything was fine until Maya noticed the ring around my finger. She dragged me to the garden, along with Janki Amma and Arjun Bhaisa. I did not have any choice but to admit the truth about my relationship with Dev. I wanted to tell them about my time travel as well, but the way they reacted scared me. They are just staring at me, probably too shocked.

"You mean Dev asked you to marry him?" Arjun Bhaisa finally said something, making me sigh with relief; at least someone spoke up.

"That is what I said," I remarked sarcastically, still upset.

"I do not approve," he stated, looking at me.

"Excuse me, come again," I said, raising an eyebrow. What does he think about himself?

"I stated that I do not approve of this relationship," He repeated, making me scoff.

"Who do you think you are? Did I ask for your approval? I was simply enlightening everyone; I was not seeking approval. Mind your own damn business," I said rudely, likely hurting him.

"Ruhanika, this is not a plaything. Are you even aware of the gravity of the situation? He is a prince, and you are simply an attendee. Do you believe the people will agree? Do you believe the queen and king will consent to this? They won't. Ruhanika, get out of your fantasy world. I do not mean to depress you, but you have to accept the truth. No matter how much we fight, I consider you my sister, I care for you. Dev is my best friend; I know him, and he is the best man; however, the king is not. He will kill you if he even has the slightest inkling of this. He will not allow the Crown Prince of Magadh to marry a commoner, let alone a simple attendee," he said, causing my eyes to well up.

"Yes, dear, I am not sure about your relationship with the prince, but I am aware that those royal men are untrustworthy. I know our prince is a wonderful man, but are you certain he is not playing with you?" Janki Amma spoke, causing me to cry, not because I did not trust him, but because I felt sorry for my Dev. I wanted to retaliate and tell them how much he loved me.

"If you have any questions, ask me directly; I am the one who should answer them," I turned to face him after hearing his deep, stern voice. As soon as our gazes met, tears streamed down my cheeks. He clenched his jaw, staring at my tears, prompting me to wipe them away before he did anything.

He approached me and stood in front of me, gently wiping my remaining tears away with his thumb before kissing my forehead softly, causing me to close my eyes. After a few seconds, he moved away and averted his gaze to them, holding my hands.

"I know you have a lot of questions, which is understandable given how much you care about her. But, instead of her, you should ask me because I was the one who loved her first and proposed to her for marriage, not her. I am prepared to answer all of your questions, even if I do not have to, but it will upset her because she considers you all to be her family. But first and foremost, let me clarify something: I hate it when she cries, I really do. It does not matter if you are close to her or not; I will not tolerate her crying because of you." His tone was stern as he said this, making me clutch his hand tightly.

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