56 ~ The Yearning

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"Your hand touching mine. This is how galaxies collide."


I shuddered and tossed the letter aside. What should I do now? Should I call the police? After leaving the letter and the bouquet there, I called security, who came and took a look at everything.

They suggested that I make a formal complaint, but I told them that I would take care of that tomorrow because it was already late. However, the true reason was that I was afraid—so very afraid at the moment. I wanted nothing more than to hide somewhere; I thought they were making empty threats that day, but receiving a letter written in blood caused me to experience a flood of emotions all at once.

When I arrived at my empty apartment, I was so terrified that I had to sit close to the door in order to avoid going inside. Fearing that someone might be hiding inside, I was afraid to enter. I sobbed, feeling incredibly alone as I gazed at the empty apartment.

And once again, I felt like an orphan. With no one to console me, I wailed and cried for all of my losses and fears, and my cries echoed in the empty apartment. My memory was filled with all of those assurances, consoling remarks, hugs, and kisses, which made me cry harder and harder.

I forgot about my previous life, when I was by myself, when I was with him. I was used to crying every night and spending my days and nights alone. But he made my life full of joy and happiness, which made me forget everything. Now that I am by myself, I am afraid of the darkness that is slowly starting to take back my life.

All I wanted right now was for my Dev to be with me, to comfort me, and to give me his protective hug.

However, nobody was available to assist me in doing so; the reality was that I was on my own and had no one to take care of me.

"Please, Dev, why did you leave me? Please, I want you.." My lungs burned as I sobbed and hugged my knees.

"Dev, you promised to be with me forever. Why did you forget me?" With every breath I took, my voice broke as I mumbled incoherently.

"Please, Dev, please come back. I am scared."

I was thirsty from all the crying, but I was too scared to go to the kitchen. I sobbed while curled up in a fetal position close to the door until I passed out from exhaustion.

The following morning, I was in excruciating pain throughout my entire body. Despite my physical and emotional weariness, I had to choose whether or not to work for the company. With little anticipation for the coming day, I got up and got ready.

And in an hour, I was standing in front of the company, ready to enter. I found tulips and a little note saying, "Have a good day," when I opened my apartment door today. One thing is clear to me now: the man who gave me the letter and the black roses is not the same man who gave me these flowers every day. At least my day matters to someone.

Even though it did not seem like I had an option, I went with the company because I wanted to be a little close to Dev. I wanted nothing more right now than to be surrounded by his consoling presence. In an attempt to be near him, I took this job.

As soon as I entered the building, the receptionist showed me to the floor where I would be working. I got to know Miss Akansha, my present boss, who was a lovely woman in her twenties. Her confidence was contagious, and her aura was commanding. She was flawless, which made me feel somewhat sacred. What if I make mistakes?

I had ten files to finish on my first day in addition to working for the crew. I had to review the pitches contained in all those files for upcoming films and television shows. Despite the fact that I was already worn out and even more so after seeing the amount of work, I managed to finish it.

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