46 ~ Echoes Of Affection

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"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides."


I slowly opened my eyes, as if someone was gently caressing my cheek and pecking my forehead every two seconds.

My gaze was drawn to my husband, who was hovering over my frame and smiling at me adorably. His gaze was filled with admiration and love, which made me smile back.

"Good morning, darling," he murmured in his deep, ocean-like morning voice. The sound of his voice aroused me, and I swallowed.

"Good morning, Dev," I murmured, feeling shy under his intense stare as I thought back to the previous night.

He chuckled at me, making me blush. I looked away, causing him to tightly hug me and press my head into his chest. I cuddled closer to him, attempting to conceal myself.

"Why does my baby seem shy?" He spoke softly, causing me to whine.

"Darling, I am not the only one who saw you naked; you too saw me naked. Look at me, am I shy?" He asked, making my jaw drop. After a passionate night, this is how he consoles his wife.

I slapped his chest repeatedly and yelled, "Devvvvvv," which made him laugh aloud.

He tried to sidestep my attacks and said, "Okay, okay, I am sorry. Stop now, Rooh." However, when I did not stop, he pushed me onto the bed, hovered over me, pinning both of my hands over my head, and grinned at me.

I squirmed as he began rubbing his free hand's fingers across my face.

"You are hitting your husband on the first day after your wedding, Rooh. You are a very bad girl; do not you think you deserve to be punished for your offense?" He asked seductively, blowing air in my ear, and making me shiver.

I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning as he kissed my jaw and licked the skin there, but he noticed the movement. With a somber expression, he glanced at my lips and began to droop his head in an attempt to kiss me, but was interrupted by someone's voice. He made a frustrated face, which made me laugh, to which he pinched my cheek, prompting me to show him my tongue.

"What happened?" He jokingly flicked my forehead before asking the attendee.

The attendee said, "Queen Anamika is telling Baisa to get ready for the rituals," which brought back memories of what Rani Maa had told me the day before.

She told me that today I had to get up early and go to the temple for puja, after which I had to prepare food for everyone because today was my pehli rasoi. I gulped, recalling her words as I remembered I needed to cook. I did not think about it much yesterday, but now that I do, I am scared. What would I do?

"Rooh, where are you lost?" He inquired, making me look at him. I smiled at him and nodded negatively; he looked at me suspiciously but did not press the issue further.

"Okay, then, let us get my darling refreshed," he said, scooping me up in his arms and making me squeal.

"Leave me; where are you taking me?" I yelled dramatically, making him laugh.

"Not a chance; you are stuck with me," he said, leading me to the bathing area.

And for the next hour, he did not leave me. What he said would only be a bath transformed into a hot make-out session. He bathed me in warm water, allowing my sore muscles to relax. He had asked me ten times if I was in pain, which made me laugh and get irritated. I had pain in my lower back and stomach, but it was manageable. He left me in the dressing room after dressing me in my lehenga following a hot kiss that left me smiling and blushing.

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