New Beginnings

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Growing up, I had a pretty good life, but it all switched up when my father left my family and my mother died. By the age of 14, my younger sister and I had been to eight different foster homes. We had been moved around the entire west coast till our aunt had finally accepted us. She lived in Paterson, New Jersey with her daughters. We rarely visited her cause our mother disliked her.

I remember first arriving in the neighborhood. Most of the house were small, they lacked grass and proper maintenance; people walking around shirtless, smoking and drinking, with loud music blasting through cars and homes. I wasn't used to this environment, my parents weren't wealthy, but we were raised in a suburban neighborhood.

Our aunts' house was no different. Dirt surround the small home, with small patches of grass. Paint chipped off the walls of her home, The gate was partly broken. The inside wasn't as bad, she had a small kitchen, and dining room, a cramped, but nicely decorated living room, four small bedrooms on the second floor and two bathrooms. Although the entire house smelled like cigarettes and alcohol.

"And this is where you'll be staying " Our cousin Tanisha rudely said placing our suitcases inside the room. The room was smaller than all the others. It had a queen sized mattress on the carpet, two windows, a dresser, a small tv and a lamp in the corner. She walked out the room, leaving us in the doorway. Our father's side of the family disliked both my sister and I, along with our mother. Why? I dont know, my mother always said I was too young to understand.

I could already tell my sister and I would be having a hard time in the household. I placed my clothes in the top drawer and my sister's in the bottom ones, then put the sheets on the bed. By the time we were done settling in it was seven o'clock.

"Y'all want anything to eat?" Asha, Tanisha's twin sister, asked opening the door. She was the complete opposite of her sister. Unlike her mother and sister, Aisha was nice to us and she actually got along with our mother.

"Sure," I smiled picking my 4 year old sister up and bringing her down with me.

After dinner, I put Shayla down to sleep then went to the living room to watch some TV.

"Get out my spot," Tanisha said standing over me. I quietly scooted to the other side of the couch. Asha looked at her sister, but didn't say anything. After watching a few reruns of Love & Hip Hop, I got tired heading to bed.

The next day, I skipped out on breakfast since I wasn't really hungry. Honestly, I didn't plan on doing anything, but sitting in this room and watching the little TV or reading a book. Around noon, I decided to shower and bathe Shayla. As we were getting dressed, we heard a knock on the door.

"One second," I quickly put on basketball shorts and a tank top then opened the door.

"Tanisha and I are going to a cookout, wanna come?" Asha smiled.

I turned around looking at Shayla playing, then faced Asha. "I would, but I gotta watch after her."

"Mom said she'll watch her for a few hours,"

I reluctantly accepted her invitation, closing the door and changing into green cargo skinnies, a white tank top and cherry 12s. I tied my hair up in a bun, changed my gauges, then sprayed myself with body spray.

"Where you going?" Shayla asked pouting.

"To a cookout, but I'll be back okay," I smiled hugging her.

"Can you bring me candy?"

I nodded, taking my wallet and putting it in my little backpack. Although we lived in poverty, my mother made sure we always had money. She left both my sister and I money in her will. I could only retrieve 150 a month, for both my sister and I, but after saving for a few months I had at least 600 dollars in cash.

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