Chapter 29

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"You can't just barge into our life and try to take her away from me! I've been taking care of her, ever since you left and mom passed, you are not taking her!" Layla argued.

"He has the right to. He is her legal parent m'am," The social worker replied calmly.

"I dont give a fuck who he is, she doesn't even know him. I raised her all on my own. We're gonna have to settle this in court because y'all got me fucked up,"

"I knew you were going to say that," Her dad smirked. "We already have a court date in a few weeks. You're so predictable, just like your mother,"

Layla rollled her eyes, then shut the door aggressively. She was honestly tired of it all, first her son and now they were trynna take her sister away from her. Bullshit she wasn't having it.

Meanwhile, Zoo spent days doing some furniture shopping. He'd already bought his mother a home, and now he purchased another one for himself specifically for Layla and Aydin. He ended up purchasing a nice home out in Alpine, New Jersey which wasn't far from New York. It had a nice 2 car garage space, four bedrooms, a pool, a large backyard and nice spacing. He wanted his child and baby mama, to have nothing but the best.

Zoo picked Layla up, heading to a car dealership. Even though Zoo had just started making hits, he was stacking money. Not only from drugs he used to sell, but also from Trap Queen. Zoo had made millions with just that one song, now with his other hits, the amount of cash coming in was out of control. He could purchase a house, a couple cars and he'd still have a lot of money.

"You don't have to buy me a car Zoo," Layla laughed once they pulled up at the dealership.

"Just accept my gift to you," He smiled, parking the car and getting out.

Layla ended up choosing an all white Mercedes G63 AMG. Both Zoo and Layla now had matching colored Mercedes, although Zoo's was a coupe. Next they both drove off, Zoo went to the hospital, while Layla went to buy a new car seat and pick her sister up from Ms. Rosetta.

When Layla got there she didn't bother getting out the car, she was still mad at Myles; seeing him would just anger her even more. Once her sister was in the car they drove off to the hospital where they found out that Aydin could now be released. Aydin wasn't as cheerful as usual, considering the fact that he was still in pain, but seeing his mom and dad together had him smiling.

By the time that they were done at the hospital, Zoo received a call from his manager, saying that the house was pretty much done. The only thing left, was for Layla to move clothes and little stuff to the new house. Zoo told Layla to follow him, but she didn't no where she was driving. Within several minutes, they had made it to Alpine, by then the kids were asleep.

Layla looked out the window of her car seeing the large house on beautiful landscape. She got out the car, admiring the property.

"What's all this?" Layla asked once Zoo got out the car.

"You like it?" Zoo smiled handing her the keys. "It's all yours."

Layla looked at Zoo shocked. She couldn't believe that he had bought her a house. First the shopping, then the car, and now a house. Honestly, she was speechless and motionless. She didn't know how to respond, she looked at Zoo then the house, shaking her head.

"I can't," Layla said handing the keys back to him.

"Whatchu mean?" Zoo said scrunching his eyebrows.

"It's too much. Thanks for everything, but a house? Nah, I can't acc-"

Zoo approached her, grabbing her hand pulling her closer. He looked into her eyes, smoothly placing his lips on hers. They spent a few seconds exchanging a passionate kiss, then Zoo let go.

"Damn I miss you so much," He mumbled still being inches away from her. "I want you to have it. You, Aydin and Shayla.."

Layla was still embracing the feeling of his lips on hers, so she took awhile to respond. "Fine, we'll think about it."

A few weeks had gone by, and Layla and the kids had now moved into the house in Alpine with Zoo. The kids loved it there considering the fact that there was a pool. Monty and Asha, had moved in across the street so the boys were always hanging out together. Monty and Asha weren't together anymore, but since Melo stayed with Asha, Monty didn't want his child in the hood so he lets her live there. Aydin had properly recovered, and had begun going to preschool; while Shayla went to 2nd grade.

A majority of the time Zoo and Monty were out performing out in different states so the house was quite boring. Layla usually went to work or she'd hang around the house with Jenni and Asha. Layla and Zoo were all over the media, since they had been spotted at multiple events together. Rumors were that they were dating which was in fact very true. Layla and Zoo had gotten back together shortly after they had moved in.

Around September, the court date had come. Layla had hired a lawyer, just to help with certain legal aspects. She got up early that morning, showering and getting dressed, then doing the same with the kids. As she was pouring them cereal, she made sure to let Shayla know that she loved her with all her heart.

They soon made it to court, meeting up with the lawyer, Ms. Rosetta & Jenni who were aware of the situation. They all quickly prayed before going into the court room.

"Your honor, I've been taking care of her ever since she was basically born. He left us when we were young, and our mother passed. I've cared for her from when we were constantly switching through the foster system till now. She has food, shelter, and she attends the best elementary school in the state of Jersey," Layla argued.

"But Mr. Mayfield is their father. Regardless of if she has taken care of Shayla Mayfield all her life, she is still just the sister-" Layla's dad's lawyer argued.

"He may be her father, but he has not taken care of her, ever. He didn't provide her with anything. She has no consent of his existence. And nothing has happened to Shayla, while in the hands of Layla Mayfield," Layla's lawyer argued.

"I object! Within the span of these few months Layla has endangered her sister. They were recently in a car accident, resulting in physical injuries and a totaled car. Along with the burning of Layla's residence,"

"But no one was at the property, and Layla was not in possesion of the car at the time of the accident,"

Soon enough the entire courtroom was arguing. After both sides had argued and the jury made up their mind, the judge came to a conclusion.

"Shayla Mayfield, shall be under the full custody of Robert Mayfield. Case closed."

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