Chapter 28

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Once they reached the hospital they saw everyone sitting in the waiting room.

"Where's Aydin??" Layla panicked seeing her sister, Angely and Myles in the waiting room with a few cuts on their faces.

"They're taking care of him in the ER,"  Asha said trying to calm Layla down, who was now in tears.

"What the fuck happened?" Zoo frowned angrily.

"Myles was driving and got in an accident-" Ms. Rosetta began explaining.

"Are you fucking drunk?" Layla said looking into Myles eyes, after staring at him for a while.

Myles was drunk and high as hell. After dropping Layla off, he went to a kickback and got drunk with some friends. He thought he was sober enough to drive, so he drove home, and decided to pick up his siblings for some ice cream. On their way back, Myles ran a stop sign causing an incoming car to run into Layla's car. The only one person severely hurt was Aydin, because his car seat was placed  on the side that the car hit, and he was the smallest.

Myles was too scared to say anything, he felt bad that his nephew was hurt because of him. He felt like a terrible uncle, not only that, but he had disappointed Layla and Zoo. Not only was the Range Rover totaled, but their son was in the ER fighting for his life because of him.

Layla was so upset. No one had seen her that mad or even sad. Asha and Jenni had to walk her out the hospital to calm her down. Nothing anyone would say or do, could cheer her up.

"Man what the fuck wrong witchu? How you gonna drive wit the kids, knowing you drunk-" Zoo yelled at his little brother.

"Zoo, chill, he feels bad enough," Monty and Dice said holding Zoo back.

"Nah, man what the fuck?!" Zoo said trying to reach over Monty and Dice.

Hours later, everyone had settled down in the waiting room. Layla was crying most of the time, and Zoo comforted her even though he was mad as hell.

In the middle of the night, Layla's phone rang, with an unknown number.

"Who is this?" Layla asked yawning.

"Layla it's Aunt Tasha, listen I was wondering if I could get some mone-"

"My son is in the muhfucking hospital fighting for his life, and your asking me for some money?" Layla said getting upset again.

"I know but-"

"No you don't know. You ain't do shit for me...fucking asking me for money when i just gave you some a few days ago, ol' pathetic ass, bye."

Layla hung up getting upset all over again. But what she didn't know was that her Aunt was battling chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is a group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breathe. Because Aunt Tasha has been smoking for so long, her lungs were going bad. Aunt Tasha kept asking Layla for money so that she could pay off her treatments. She was unable to work due to her condition, and neither of her daughters were working. Aunt Tasha could barely afford the house, treatment or even food, but since she wanted to keep the disease a secret, no one offered to help. Layla gave her money a few times, but at this point she had enough, with everyone constantly asking her for money that she worked hard for. Even if Aunt Tasha told Layla why she needed the money, Layla wouldn't care. She suffered in Aunt Tasha's house, from the disrespect to when Aunt Tasha kicked her out the house. Layla was fed up with her aunt, all she wanted  was for her son to be okay.

"Parents of Aydin Maxwell," A doctor said, Layla and Zoo walked over to him. "He'll been alright, but he'll need a lot of rest, you two can go and see him once he's awake."

The doctor suggested that everyone heads home to rest and so they did. Layla and Zoo went to Layla's house together so that she could pack a few things for Aydin, but when they got there shit wasn't looking too pretty.

While Layla was out, Tanisha had robbed the home of her own cousin taking expensive jewelry and bags, along with a few other valuables. Most of the house was torn up, with broken pieces of glass and clothes were on the floor. Tanisha had used Layla, since she didn't get the money she wanted, she stole the stuff to go sell and make money for more crack. Not only that, but Tanisha had started a small fire from smoking in the apartment. But luckily the fire department came before the fire could spread to other people's aparments.

Not only was her son in the hospital, but now Layla had no car or home. She sat on the floor in tears saddened by all the events that had occurred. Zoo hugged her tightly, letting her cry into his shirt.

"It's gonna be okay, I gotchu," Zoo said kissing her hair.

The next few days were epic. Layla spent a majority of the time with Aydin in the hospital or packing the clothes that were in good condition, along with a items that the kids had. She didn't know where she would go, but that was the only thing she could do. She had taken a few weeks off work to figure some things out. In the meantime, Shayla remained at Ms. Rosetta's house, while Layla stayed with Zoo in his hotel room.

While Layla was packing the stuff, she heard a knock at the apartment door. She got up, brushing off some lint on her shirt then opened the door to see two men standing at the door.

"Layla Mayfield, we're here to take custody of Shayla Mayfield," The man in the suit said handing Layla a paper.

Layla scrunched her eyebrows, reading over the paper, then seeing her father's name written and signed at he bottom. She looked up from the paper, then at the men. She realized that in fact he looked familiar.

"Dad?" Layla frowned looking at the man who resembled her so much.

A/N: Please don't comment saying "update" 😒, give me feedback or your input. Something insightful or helpful. Thanks.

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