Chapter 1

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“Your boobs look so good, I wish I was near to suck on them”,Nkulu says as he looks at me through the video call. 

I just came from bathing and my mother left for work so I am all alone inside the house. Nkulu works at some restaurant in Cape town while studying at UCT. He is doing his honours there and next year he will start the job-hunting route of which is easy for others and difficult for the rest. I met him through the restaurant he works in at Long street and I had some dinner with my Cape town friends. We were at it with the food and drinks. I saw this good-looking waiter that I couldn’t keep my eyes away from and when the bill came he slipped his number to me and that is how I ended up with him. There were countless times where I wished that could lose my virginity to him but every time when I was almost naked in front of him I felt like I would regret the decision that I will take and couldn’t reverse and I hate regretting decisions so I would rather be safe for now than sorry later. 

I take my top off my bed and I slip it on and I am done getting dressed. 

“Don’t you have any classes today?”, I ask. 

“I do in a few minutes”, he mentions. 

“Okay, I hope that you enjoy the day”

“I don’t enjoy my days without you here”, he says. 

I am red from blushing and I cannot help it. It has been what? 4 months since this man and I have started dating and I would say it has been nothing but nice. 

“Bye, go you will be late”, I say. 

“I love you”

“I love you too”, I end the call and then I take my phone and make my way to the kitchen. 

I am a bit hungry as I reach there. I make a quick sandwich that I will down with some juice. My phone rings and I get it. It’s my mother.

“Ma”,I answer

“Have you started baking those muffins I asked?”, no I have not. 

“No, I haven’t “

“Haibo Unami the pastor wants them today”, she says. 

“I thought you said next week Monday njena”

“Next week Monday means today Unami kanti uphasa kanjani eskolweni?(How do you pass at school?)”,she asks. 

“Okay ma I will bake them”

“Hurry, in an hour someone will come to collect them”


“And wear something long”

“But it’s hot!”, I argue. 

“Unaminjalo Biyela!”

My mother really treats me like I am a child when I am only 24 years old for pits sake! I go and eat my food while watching some tv and when I am done I go and bake the muffins that my mother instructed me to do. I just wonder why Mrs. Ngubane doesn’t bake these muffins herself if they are for the congregation or her husband. Whoever they are for. I am happy when I start putting the first dozen inside the oven and follow with the second batch. I hear the intercom from the gate ringing and I go answer it. 


“I am here for a pick-up”

I roughly shake myself. Isn’t he supposed to be in bible study or something? Praying for the people that are in need or something?

I open the gate and I go to the door and open it. I watch the car drive in the drive way and I close the gate before he kills his engine and hops out of the car. He is in semi formal wear. The black dress pants with a navy golf shirt. I look at this man. He is just …I don’t know what to say about him but I believe that everything everyone sees as right about him in my head screams that it is wrong. No, he can’t be this perfect. Only Jesus is this perfect even though I don’t know the man but I have read about him a few times growing up and my mother has mentioned it a few times. 

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