Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

It is the next day and he has already have ready what needs to be ready at the moment. We have been stuck in this room of this place that I do not even know and there hasn’t been any way for me to go out or anything. He brought some food and water for me but I only had small bites. I am still in pain and I am afraid of what might happen to my stitches if I move a lot. I don’t want anything to happen or anything wrong to occur but most of all I hope that I am found soon.

“We will be at the airport in an hour”, he says speaking on the phone.

He is standing by the curtain as he is speaking. I couldn’t sleep. How can you sleep when you feel tormented? All I could do is pray, pray that the police find me before this man takes me wherever he is going. I am praying that Vangeli finds me. That he is looking for me.

“Okay then”, he hangs up from the call and shoves the phone in his pocket.

He turns to me and smiles.

“You don’t want to bath? You just gave birth so you need to be careful”, he says.

“What do you want from me?”

“You, I want you”

“I have nothing of yours”

“You will realise what I am doing is for us”

“You need help”, I say softly and he places his hand on my cheek and I shift.

“I am not mentally ill, I know what I am doing. I don’t care if it hurts your beloved husband. He took you away from me and I know I will treat you better than him”

“Ayanda please I…”

“Unami don’t piss me off, you don’t want those stitches popping”

Tears stream down my cheeks and he wipes them.

“You will be okay, I love you”

I don’t say anything and keep on crying he holds my cheeks and kisses one of them.

“We are leaving now”

“Where…where are you taking me?”, I ask softly.

“Out of this falling country, the world is big and you will love it”, my heart skips a beat.

He moves away from me and he tells me to go and freshen up in the ensuite bathroom he will be back. He leave the room and locks it. I then keep on crying. I try to find something that can help me leave this room but nothing. I go to the bathroom and there is only a towel and some mouth wash only. Not even a tooth brush in sight.

I sigh and hold onto the sink. The pain on my stitches is there. I was scared to even pee yesterday. I went to the toilet to pee and then I finished. I got off the toilet and went to wash my hands. My child, my poor baby and my husband. I wish there was a way for him to get to me quickly before this man departs with me.

I hear the main bedroom door opening and I go out of the bathroom and Ayanda is the one opening the door.

“Come, we are leaving now”, he says.

“Okay”, maybe if I comply he might think I want to do this and give me some leverage then I will leave.

He takes the things in the room and then he escourts me out. This is a house. He has my arm in his hand.

We get outside to a car and he shoves me in the back and pays the man in the front.

The man drives us and I look outside of the window. I feel a warm breath on my neck.

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