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Taylor was grabbing clothes from the corner, while she was shuddering from the adrenaline rush.

"Dad!" The girl, Taylor thought that she heard her name being said as Lauren, she screamed for her father who had been the man on the other side of the portal after it had closed.

"No, no, no!" Andy cried out.

"Is everyone all right?" John asked and Taylor rejoined him, sticking to his side as Tim was helping Marcos with Clarice, who was unconscious.

"Where are we?" Andy accused them of at once and Taylor growled low in her throat at the accusing tone. "What the hell just happened? What was that?!" Andy shouted at them.

"Hey, take it easy." Taylor warned and he was shaking his head.

"Take it easy?" The mother of the family or at least that was what Taylor assumed, was now staring at her like she had grown a second head. "Take it easy? What just happened here? Where are we? You two need to explain this!" Caitlin Strucker shouted at them.

"You're safe, this is our headquarters." John was working his hardest with now trying to pacify this family that was one person short of a full one, all the while, Tim and Lindsay were hugging each other in the corner.

"Where is my dad?!" Andy's constant shouting of the same question, it was giving Taylor a headache as she was putting her hands over her ears. Unfortunately since now due to being in such close range to the shouting, it was not helping at all.

"We need to go back. Please!" Lauren pleaded.

"Just hang on. Hang on!" John was attempting to get the situation under control, but it was understandably difficult for all of them.

Taylor snapped open her jaws and she let out a roar, which effectively terrified all of the Struckers and caused them all, to shut up at once. John looked over at her, before she nodded slightly.

"Listen. Even if we could get back, it is a very bad idea." John said at once as soon as he was sure that Marcos, Tim and Lindsay were dealing with Clarice, he was immediately taking advantage of the silence from them. "I know you want to help your dad, but that is suicide. It's not gonna help him if we all get killed. Right now, we need to take care of Clarice." John said, finishing his spiel that thankfully he had made up on the spot.

Taylor was shaking her head as she was looking down at her hands, which trembled as John looked over at her. "Taylor." He said and she was following him silently.

John moved his arms around her quickly just as soon as she caught up to him. "Are you okay?" He asked softly and then, she was nodding before she accepted the hug and she rested her head on his chest. "You got real close to being caught tonight Taylor, you need to be more careful." He murmured and she was shaking her head.

"I saved your ass tonight too, John. It took one Sentinel to almost take you down and it took three to almost subdue me." She said quietly and he was shaking his head.

"You were a lion. They just felt like they needed more than one Sentinel to take you down in that form. It doesn't matter how many Sentinels or how many people were trying to attack you, Taylor. I can't lose you and... Damn it, you know that by now." John murmured and she was nodding again.

"Thank you." Taylor murmured softly and he was nodding. "I need to talk to Lindsay about a couple of things, the other girl that has been stuck to Tim's side ever since they got here. You should talk to Sonya, and then, try to get a doctor for Clarice." She said as he was nodding.

"Just try not to rip any of the Struckers there, limb from limb, okay?" John said and she lifted her eyebrows at him. "Try to remember that they are just stressed about their dad." He murmured.

¹ Roar || The Gifted: John ProudstarWhere stories live. Discover now