13|threat of eXtinction

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Taylor knocked on the door and Julianna was looking up. "We need your help, Jules. We need to get to Otto." Taylor said and quietly, Julianna glanced over at Taylor and she was nodding. "Are you willing to help us?" Taylor asked Julianna, who was swiftly nodding again.

"Of course." Julianna said and she was getting up, before she was walking after Taylor. "Are we heading to Otto now?" She asked.

"No, we are going to have to pick up some more refugees first. John and I, Clarice and Marcos. You as well, if you wanted to come with us." Taylor explained as then, Julianna nodded quickly.

"All right, let's go." Julianna stated and Taylor walked down the stairs with Julianna on her heels. They had bags and they were hopping into separate cars.

Julianna drove with Clarice, John drove with Taylor and Marcos was on his own in a vehicle. Taylor glanced over at John, who was shaking his head a little. "What's wrong John?" She asked knowingly as he sighed at the words.

"I'm supposed to be the one who knows things like that, Taylor." John noted and she waited in silence. "I'm just worried about all of the refugees coming in." He admitted and she reached out, grabbing his hand and he was rubbing his thumb in a swift circle on her palm. "I don't know how long we can keep this up, with this influx of refugees. We don't have enough supplies for this."

"John, we will make it work." Taylor said simply and he looked at her. "We have been able to make it work, every time. We can do this." She murmured and he was nodding at the words, before they pulled up and then around to the back of the church, where the mutants were hiding somewhere.

John stopped the car and he sighed as he was looking down at their hands. "I know that you're thinking about all of the people that we have lost, Johnny, and so am I. But we will get back at Sentinel Services, and at Trask. We will get them back and we will hit them hard, just like they have done to us." It was a promise that Taylor intended to keep, even if it killed her.

"When did you get the words to be so inspiring?" John asked and Taylor shrugged as she hopped out of the car.

"Either you, Pulse, Julianna or James." She noted with her arms spread wide as she was catching up to Clarice and Julianna. "Hey, are you two okay?" Taylor asked as Julianna was spinning her ring in her palm.

"Just thinking." Julianna said and she was putting the ring back on her finger, which already had two others on it.

John effortlessly moved the dumpster that was blocking the area, where the mutants of the Perry station and the strays were all stuck in the locked area, ready to run even more if it is the best way to disappear.

After unlocking the door, all of the mutant refugees were coming out carefully. "Toss all of your stuff in the back, grab a seat, as quick as you can." Marcos said and Taylor was nodding.

"All right, kids and your guardians with Julianna and Clarice. Everyone else, split up between Marcos's vehicle and ours." Taylor ordered as the others were gladly following her directions. "Like Marcos said, we will brief you when we're on the road." Taylor explained again to some of the young ones who were uncertain. "Hey, you guys want to see something?" Taylor asked as she took off her jacket and revealing her lioness tail as it was whipping back and forth.

The kids were oohing and laughing, clapping their hands together at the sight of the tail, until John's loud grunt was heard as Taylor's eyes flashed. Taylor looked up and Marcos shouted.

Taylor let out an earthshaking roar as she leapt over the truck, diving at the mutant as her body elongated until she was landing on her as a lion. Taylor tried to bite the mutant, but she managed to force her jaws apart and she was kicked off hard.

¹ Roar || The Gifted: John ProudstarWhere stories live. Discover now