12|got your siX

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Julianna had eventually walked back into the Mutant Underground HQ as she looked like she was a wreck. But nothing was burned down and then most of the ruined sort of a complex was still standing, so she hadn't lost control.

If Julianna had lost her own self-control then they would most likely all be dead by now. Taylor finally woke up as she was looking over at John, who was sleeping next to her and Taylor gently flicking his nose.

"What time is it?" John asked sleepily and she was looking at her watch, which showed the time to be 6am. "Time to get up, I'm assuming." He said and she was nodding, before she got up and she heard someone running over to the office.

Sonya was knocking on the door and Taylor's eyes flashed, before she opened the door and stared at her. "What the hell do you want?" Taylor asked and Sonya was shaking her head.

"I'm here for Johnny, not you." Sonya said and Taylor let out a growl, her eyes flashing and John sighed.

"What's the problem?" John asked and he was moving an arm around Taylor, partially just to restrain her and partially also to keep Sonya out of her immediate line of fire.

"Clarice figured it out." Sonya said and Taylor glared at her, before she shrugged at the words.

"It doesn't really surprise me, Dreamer. Especially since you used your powers on Jace Turner, right in front of her." Taylor said rather unsympathetically, since she was sick of Sonya's powers being used, for all the wrong reasons.

"You might be more worried, if and when she decides to leave!" Sonya snapped with her voice volume rising and Taylor was looking at her silently, before she shrugged again.

"Then it would be your fault yet again, Sonya. Just like Walker and Eve." Sonya's slap hit Taylor across the face hard and the other mutant was growling loudly at the hit and John yanked her back.

"Stop it." John said and Sonya stormed out quickly, recognizing that if she stuck around the area that Taylor would probably rip her apart. "Taylor." He said and she growled at Sonya's retreating back, before she calmed down and she was nodding. "Can you talk to Clarice?" John asked and Taylor glanced up at him, before she nodded.

"I'll go and talk to her. Maybe I can get Julianna's help, I've heard that one of her kids can do something with memories." She said and John sighed quietly.

"Aren't her kids far away?" He asked and Taylor shrugged, before she was walking out of the office and she was going up the stairs, knocking on the open door of the room that she shared with Julianna and formerly her kids and Lorna.

Julianna was sitting down on her bed and she was twisting her rings in her hands and she sighed. "What's wrong now?" She asked as Taylor took it as an invitation to come in.

Julianna looked up from the rings and she sighed. "Sorry, I thought that you were Sage or Sonya." She said as she slipped the rings back onto her fingers.

"I didn't want to ask this of you, Jules, because I know how upset you are." Taylor said as she sat down next to her as Julianna glanced at her. "Sonya managed to fuck up again. Even more majorly, this time, if you can believe it." She said as Julianna nodded.

"What did she do and how can I help?" She asked, getting straight to the point and when Taylor looked into her eyes, she could see the old fire being relit.

"Follow me. Talk as we walk?" Taylor asked and Julianna nodded swiftly in agreement at the words as she grabbed her jacket and they were both walking out of the room.

"So, to summarize it all." Julianna said as they were at the top of the stairs, about to go and speak to Clarice. "Sonya put a memory of her and John into Clarice's head, to help her use her powers. She didn't take it away and after seeing Sonya use her powers in front of her on a Sentinel Services Agent, she figured it out. Now she is pissed at Sonya and possibly John. You want me to see, if my son can take the memory out of her head without doing any severe or lasting damage?" Julianna asked, counting on her fingers.

¹ Roar || The Gifted: John ProudstarWhere stories live. Discover now