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"Liliana, you may be the only chance that Reed has for a cure." Julianna was talking on the phone and then Liliana was sitting down on the other end, looking over at Pyro. "You are the only one who has the very same exact X-Gene. Come on, Liliana. You may not have a choice in this. He could just destroy the entire world if he loses control." Julianna said.

"That is always what they continually said about me, Jules. But I had a chance to learn control and this... You can't force me to make a decision like this." Liliana said and Julianna scoffed.

"You aren't his sister though, are you? That's very clear, why your X-Gene is the exact same as his." Julianna said and Liliana sighed. "He isn't your brother, he's your father." She said.

"Yeah, you're right." Liliana murmured quietly. "But I can't just go out there. They know who I am, all it takes is one person to recognize me and I'm going to be killed."

"You're not that easy to kill." Pyro pointed out and Liliana was looking at him. "We can help your dad if it comes down to it, but he also was one of the ones who put you into a mental hospital. You chose it, you chose to fight and you got out." He said and she was nodding quickly.

"All right, Julianna. You have got me and I am in, but I am absolutely not going to the same place that my father tried to give the medication to me too." Liliana stated.

"All right. Get some rest, Lili." Julianna quickly hung up the phone and Liliana looked down at the phone, before she sighed.

"What the hell are we doing?" Liliana wondered quietly and she was looking at him, before she shook her head. "Here we go." She murmured and then, Pyro was moving his arm around her silently.

Meanwhile, Taylor was sleeping soundly next to John with her head on the table and he was looking at her. "Taylor." John gently nudged her as Taylor opened her eyes with a quiet grumble, before she spotted him and she nodded. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm slightly less tired than I was." Taylor muttered quietly and she was rubbing her eyes, before she was walking over to the door and then, she swiftly walked over to her own apartment.

Taylor was looking at herself in the mirror and she smiled. Taylor's lips pulled back and her fangs were revealed, as her tail whipped back and forth, as she was shaking her head quickly.

"Taylor." Taylor swiftly was turning just around to see that Julianna was standing in the doorway. "I know why you're looking at me like that, Taylor. It is because my mutation is invisible, I don't have a mutant's mark like you."

"Am I doing the same thing with John to Clarice right now, that him and Clarice did to me?" At her words, Julianna's eyes widened slightly. "I feel like I'm doing the exact same thing and then right now, I really don't even know how it began right now." Taylor murmured and then Julianna was nodding.

"You are only just trying to keep your personal anchor safe and you, you are keeping yourself safe at the same time. I mean, you know exactly how I would feel now... If I just got the chance to go back there and save Pulse, I would. You have a chance to keep John all right, you are trying to just keep him alive." Julianna pointed out and Taylor nodded. "I have got to go and talk to an old friend of mine, but I'm going to be back here. I promise. Until then, just keep them safe."

"Thanks, Jules." Taylor murmured softly.

"No." Taylor glanced over at John after he walked over to them again. "We're going to grab him in the lobby when he leaves for work. We'll get him out quietly. Take him somewhere, get some answers." John said and Taylor shrugged.

"I'm in." Taylor said simply.

"Yeah, because you heal fast!" Clarice protested and Taylor looked over at her. "I know that you are already a fugitive, but we don't have Julianna here to defend you."

"I don't need Julianna to watch my own back." Taylor said coldly as she was walking behind the car and she was twisting, as her bones cracked and reshaped themselves and she let out a rumbling roar.

Clarice stared at John, before she was looking over at the lioness, who slowly let out a low roar.

"This is a fricking terrible idea." The purple haired portal maker replied and Taylor was swiftly sneaking around the backside of the building, swiftly just trying to get away from the cameras.

Taylor leapt through the portal and she swiftly dove into the backseat, grabbing her clothes and then, Clarice was swiftly getting into the front seat and Taylor was pulling her clothes back on.

Taylor watched as Clarice and John argued before John stormed past her, and Clarice's eyes narrowed. "John will listen to you if it comes down to it. Taylor, please. You need to make him listen." Clarice pleaded and Taylor was looking at her.

"It's not that simple anymore, Clarice." She said and Clarice was swiftly staring at her. "I want it to be that simple, I do. But John isn't like that, you of all people should know. He gets his mind set on something and then he has to follow through on it." Taylor pointed out.

"I know. He listens to you though, because on some level, he still senses and knows, that you know more than he does. More than he believes to be true, because he wants to believe you." Clarice stated and Taylor blinked. "The cops are going to go off the rails, they are going to arrest everybody. You would be at the top of the hit list, you have to tell John to stop this now!"

Unfortunately, Taylor watched as Clarice stormed off and she was shaking her head and Taylor squeezed her eyes shut. John turned around to look at her, before she was shaking her head.

"I'm not getting in the middle of this one fight, Johnny. This is a mess and I'm right in the middle of it, along with the rest of you. I know what you are fighting for, but not all of them understand it." Taylor admitted and then he was looking at her, before she was nodding.

"Are you with me then?" John asked and Taylor nodded. "Really?" He asked and then, she was nodding.

"I don't break promises, John. So... what do you need me to do?" Taylor asked quietly as she was looking at him, before he was nodding.

Taylor shouted in pain and bullets were being fired at her, after the analyst had been killed and Taylor staggered. "Taylor!" John shouted.

"I'm okay!" She groaned in pain as blood was leaking out of her multiple wounds and she groaned in pain, before Fade hit her in the bullet wounds again and she cried out in pain.

"Fade, you traitor son of a bitch!" John shouted and he threw a table at the fading mutant, which unfortunately hit both him and Taylor.

Marcos was looking at Taylor, who was crawling back up onto her feet and Marcos was dragging Fade along with them, as John was supporting Taylor.

"Then, I have got you." He said really very quietly as then she was looking at him now, before he was hugging her carefully.

Taylor roared angrily and then, she was swiftly ripping through the air and she was charging at the nearby truck.

"Taylor, come on!" Marcos was shouting loudly at her and then, the lioness roared in a fury and when he looked at her, he could see that she wasn't coming. In her face, he could see that she wasn't going to abandon John, no matter what came her way. No matter what came either of their ways and he nodded in understanding. "Taylor!" He shouted again, but John was running at the truck to keep them from moving any further forward.

Eventually, another truck hit Taylor and they were both trapped. Her and John both as they were finally done and then, Jace Turner was getting out of the car and then he was looking at them. "Got you." He said and Jace was slamming John's face into the hood of the car, before somebody was firing another bullet at Taylor.

¹ Roar || The Gifted: John ProudstarWhere stories live. Discover now