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Julianna was looking at her kids and now, it was all four of them were now looking at her with red and teary eyes. "I need you all to listen to me, okay?" Julianna said and the five of them were all looking at each other.

"Mom... You won't leave us behind, will you?" Jaime asked and Julianna looked at her youngest son, shaking her head as her eyes were upset.

"I will never leave you behind, okay? None of you, I promise." Julianna whispered and they were all hugging her, before a knock came at the door and Julianna looked up at the doorway.

Taylor was still limping from the serious injury from the other day, but she was on her feet again.

"We need you downstairs, Julianna, I am sorry." She said and Julianna sniffled, before she was nodding at the words.

"I will be right down." Julianna reassured her and the kids were clinging to her, none of them wanting to let go and Julianna was looking at them. "All right, you guys can come too." She said and Kat was carrying August, who was too young to understand why they were all so upset.

At the sight of them all, the ones who were the only other family in the station, the talk and the chattering were all now almost slowing to a standstill.

"Hey guys." John said and his voice sounded rough, as if he had been crying. He looked at Julianna, who was silently taking her seat to sit next to Lorna. The kids were all sitting at her feet except for August, who was being held by Kat or Darren, as the twins were switching off, for who held her.

"We need to go after the Trask lab now and we have to rescue those people..."

"Have to? You're pretty new here to be telling people what they have to do." Lorna interrupted the telepath, Esme, who was now staring at her.

"You don't get it! My family is stuck in there. They're running out of time!" Esme urged.

"Our father, he was in there." Darren interrupted, the first thing that he had said since Gus had died and he was staring up at her. "Our father is dead. You are expecting us to mobilize, find enough heavy hitters to take on the armed guards... Not to mention, any other security features that they might have..." Darren's eyes flashed. "Just so that you can get your family back, other mutants be damned?" Darren finished his words harshly as the building had begun to shake.

"Darren." Julianna murmured quietly and her son looked up at her, right before all of the rumbling had stopped. "Look, Darren's right. We have no chance of surviving the area if we don't know what we're going to be going up against. Even getting through the front door would be difficult." She said as she shook her head. "Darren's right, we need more information than what you just have from Chloe's head."

"You got all that information from the woman they sent after us?" John asked and he was blinking and Taylor tucked herself under his arm, silently watching the others.

"Yes. I mean, her mind was hard to read." Darren stared at her, his eyes were disgusted at the thought of them going after Trask without a proper plan. "Confused. But I got enough. The mutants in that lab, they all were desperate. I could hear the screams. I could see the bodies. I could feel the agony when they turned that woman, into that thing." Esme said and Darren was shaking his head.

"We know where this place is?" Clarice asked, suddenly popping up into their all too important conversation.

"So why are we standing here??" Esme demanded.

"Because we have no idea what we are walking into." Taylor snapped at her now suddenly, with a seething growl.

"Did you happen to get anything on their security?" Sonya asked and Esme shook her head at the words. "Then that's why." Sonya said.

¹ Roar || The Gifted: John ProudstarWhere stories live. Discover now