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Bernie was running alongside Lauren and Clarice with Julianna following, as they all were charging at the Sentinel Services agents, who were wasting no time in raiding every mutant settlement in the area, that they could reach.

Meanwhile, Taylor was racing along with John and Marcos to the first group and she was listening, tilting her head to the side with a low growl.

"You guys? Have you got something then?" Marcos asked and Taylor glanced over at John, who nodded slightly.

"In here." John tapped the side of the door and Marcos was looking at him, right before he was opening the door.

"Whoa!" Marcos mumbled and then he glowed up one of his hands, coming face to face with five mutants who were clearly all too ready for fight. "H-Hey, whoa. Chill!Don't do whatever it is that you're about to do." At the words, the blue skinned mutant was narrowing his eyes. "We are the good guys. Let's go." Marcos stated as he was looking at them, before Taylor was poking her head into the room and she was showing her fangs.

That seemed to convince the other mutants after they saw her fangs that didn't go away and her tail, which freely whipped from side to side as she was looking at them.

"We aren't going to let anything happen to any of you, I promise." Taylor said and then, she held out her hand to the youngest in the area, as all of the mutants were walking out into her direction.

"Nicely done." Marcos murmured and Taylor glanced over at him, before she was shrugging her shoulders.

"You and John, you guys don't outwardly look like mutants. Neither do the Struckers and unless Bernie gets stuck in his ice form, then he doesn't look outwardly like a mutant with a mark." Taylor sighed. "You two could easily pass for humans, if there weren't a bunch of wanted papers on both of you."

"It is a really good thing that we took two cars." John spoke up after he got off of the phone with Clarice. "Everything okay?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. Just discussing why they didn't trust Marcos or you to lead them in the right direction. But they did trust me, because of my appearance." Taylor explained.

"Yeah, sure." Taylor lifted her eyebrows in surprise at the distracted-sort of a tone that John had. "Come on, let's get these people out of here and discuss that later." Taylor's eyes flashed amber, before she was getting into the car with Marcos and John, he was driving the other car.

Taylor was putting her earbuds into her ears quickly as she was driving off, leaning her head back against the seat.

Meanwhile on the north side of the mutant-dwelling complex, Julianna was using her shields to hold the doors shut as Lauren and Bernie, they were getting all of the mutants out of the storm drains.

"Come on!" Clarice shouted and Julianna looked around quickly, sweeping the room to make sure that everybody had gotten out of there, before she was jumping through a portal and Clarice closed it.

The shields disappeared with a familiar popping noise and Julianna was getting into the car, quickly ordering everybody into the cars and they were driving off quickly.

Taylor was lying on the couch and she silently stared up at the ceiling and a cough came from the doorway, before she swiftly was looking at John. "What's going on?" She asked as he was walking into the apartment with somebody coming into the area behind him. "Oh, hi there." Taylor said as she was getting up to greet the teenager, who smiled faintly.

"This is Cristina. She's going to be staying with us for a couple of days." John said and Taylor was nodding, before she walked over and she looked down at the cut on her hand.

¹ Roar || The Gifted: John ProudstarWhere stories live. Discover now