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Inside the X-Jet, multiple mutants were waiting for Professor X to find the others that were still alive and free.

One mutant took up multiple seats and when she let out an enormous yawn, the X-Jet shook from the force of it. "Don't you tear this jet to pieces, Missy." Storm warned from the pilot's seat and a simple growl was answering her.

"Chill out, Taylor." Taylor growled at Liliana's words, before her tail was lashing and Liliana was holding a small ball of energy in her hands. "Your temper is almost as bad as mine, I just never realized." Liliana noted and Taylor rumbled quietly.

"Did you find them yet?" Taylor asked and quickly, she was directing her question to the Professor that was using the more mobile version of Cerebro that they had built into the Jet, when they had to rebuild it after the events of Alcatraz.

"Kid? Don't you ever take a minute to think that he would have maybe told us, if he had already found them?" Logan asked irritably from the corner of the jet and she was looking at him, baring her fangs with a sharp growl.

"I've found them." Professor X chose an excellent moment to speak up about it as Taylor was ready to charge angrily, but she finally thought better of it and then, swiftly she was sitting up properly.

Taylor was relieved to get off of the plane and she was looking up, when Warpath was dropping down onto the snowy terrain and she was giving him a hug. "Hey James." She murmured and he returned the hug quickly as she sighed. "It's good to see, that you're still alive." Taylor mumbled.

"You would have felt it, if I wasn't." He quietly pointed out and she nodded slightly in agreement, before she was letting him go and Bernie was walking out of the shelter with the twins on his heels.

"Well well, if it isn't Icicle junior." Taylor said and Bernie rolled his eyes at the nickname, before he walked forward and gave her a tight hug.

"I'm not dead yet." He said and Taylor nodded, before she was walking into the shelter with the rest of them.

Liliana and Taylor were swiftly walking over to the shrine of sorts, that had multiple different deceased mutants possessions, and Liliana sighed quietly. She saw multiple sets of dog tags, including the ones that Darren had previously worn.

Taylor looked at where Liliana's eyes were moving towards and silently, they both were seeing Pyro's lighter that was tucked away amongst the tributes and Liliana looked at the fading shark pattern, before she was carefully putting it back.

Taylor reached up and she was looking at the dog tags around her neck, that John had given to her before he died and she blinked quickly. Before she pulled them over her head and she was putting them into the available space quietly.

Taylor and Liliana rejoined the others and while Liliana couldn't wait to go to sleep in any case, Taylor was actively paying attention as she paced back and forth since she was just happy to be off of the jet.

"Whenever the Sentinels attack, Warpath spots them, and then, I send Bishop back to warn us of the attack before it happens. Blink scouts the next site, and... Well, then we leave before they ever know we were there." Kitty was explaining to them all and despite the unique topic of conversation, Bernie silently stood at the doorway with his back to the rest of them.

After it was decided that Wolverine would go back in time, the rest of the fighters were outside of the door. Except for the twins for the sake of the last line of defense, who were still inside of the vaulted type of the building.

Taylor was growling quietly as she was looking around, before she was glancing over at Bernie and Liliana was walking over to the guy who was half ice, resolving to speak to him anyways despite his silence. "Are you okay?" She asked and he glanced at her.

"I will be the first to admit that I'm not the most fond of the stories, that are always just being consistently repeated." Bernie mumbled quietly and she was looking at him, before she nodded in understanding and out of the corner of her eye, Liliana could see that Taylor's tail was lashing back and forth. Clearly, she was listening. "Also... The last time that I sat down and actually listened, was when Bishop decided to recite every single way that I died in his memories of the fucking Sentinels attacking us." Bernie muttered.

"Okay... Now that my friend, is just a complete asshole of a move." Liliana stated and Bernie jumped, surprised to see her as he was looking over his shoulder and she came up behind him. "You might be able to answer this, since the others refused to."

"What's the question?" Bernie wondered as he yawned.

"What the fuck does Bullet do, when the Sentinels attack? They are made from no metal, so how the hell can she be of help to anybody?"

"When Peter changes his form," Bernie gestured over to Colossus, who was looking around along with the rest. "Then, she can throw him around like a ragdoll. She uses her abilities to add more punch to his usual attacks. And, she can summon metal from the earth if she needs to. All that she would ever need is somebody here, to break a hole in the ground first." Bernie explained and he yawned loudly.

"Well, that's what I'm here for." Liliana stated as she knelt down and rested her hands on the ground, before the dirt was shaking and breaking apart. Her powers retreated as she stood up and Olivia's eyes flashed. "There you go, Livvy. You have got the power that you need." She said and Olivia levitated herself up into the air as she was landing on a nearby structure, staring out into the nearby darkness.

"It's probably not overly smart for her to wear steel toed boots, when we are constantly on the run from sentinels. Even if they look really cool." Bernie said and he was allowing the ice to creep all over him. "Are they in the internment camps, or just dead?" He asked and Liliana sighed.

"August, Jaime and Lauren are in the internment camps. The Sentinels killed Andy, trying to stop the Fenris Force from bringing them down. They must have taken out 30 of them, before one of them killed Andy." Liliana said as she was shaking her head. "If Wolverine can't convince Charles and Erik to help convince Mystique, then we are all screwed."

¹ Roar || The Gifted: John ProudstarWhere stories live. Discover now