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Taylor was clamped in a collar and chains quickly, and then, she was quickly looking over at John as she was looking at him.

John grunted in pain and he was looking over at her, before he was reaching out a hand to her and then, he was swiftly gripping one of her hands in his.

Taylor closed her eyes as she felt her wounds still leaking blood. "Are you still healing?" John asked and she was shaking her head slightly, before she groaned.

"No, I'm not. Not like I usually do, John. If this is what dying feels like, then I definitely understand why all sorts of people are usually afraid to go." She whispered and he was looking at her. "John, just don't leave me alone. Please." She whispered and then he was looking at her, before he was swiftly holding her hand in his.

Both her and John were outfitted with heavy rock-metal headphones that were blaring out music, before Taylor was swiftly gritting her teeth in pain.

John was looking over at her, just before Taylor's ears were bleeding and she felt her tears falling. Taylor managed to send herself into her side, temporarily dislodging the headphones and then, swiftly she was just shaking her head at the pain.

"Liliana." Julianna was looking at her cousin, who watched her and nodded. "You brought the cavalry?" She asked and Liliana nodded.

"I brought the goddamn cavalry." Liliana stated as she stepped to the side.

Lorna and Andy stood together, Pyro was standing behind them and he was silently walking into the apartment with Rudy on his heels. The old friend, that Julianna had been calling for months and they were all walking into the apartment, that Marcos had rented.

"Great, we're surrounded by the Brotherhood of Mutants." Marcos muttered and Pyro glanced at him, before he was shaking his head silently.

"So. We know that they're being held in a compound not too far outside of Virginia." A few maps later, Liliana was drawing on it as she went. "We have more people coming into this to help, they owe us favors and we will respect that." She said.

"Can we get to the point? What's the actual plan for this?" Marcos asked and Liliana looked over at him.

"Fine, grumpy." Liliana said and Julianna snorted at the insulting nickname. "Julianna, Caitlin and Reed. You three are our getaway drivers and Julianna, you are the ace in the hole." Liliana said and Julianna nodded.

"Pyro, me, Lorna and Marcos. We will all attack along with Bullet, who will be meeting us there." Liliana explained. "We will be taking the fire for the Struckers and from there, we get them out." She said and they were all looking at each other.

"I'm not sure that I want my kids working with somebody, who goes by Bullet." Caitlin warned and Julianna glanced over at her.

"Caitlin, come on. We need all of the help that we can get here and honestly, Bullet has managed to stay out of all this since 7/15. She is trustworthy, reliable and most importantly, she is stronger than she looks." Julianna said and Caitlin sighed. "She is Lorna's older sister and she has been a reliable ally of the X-Men since they busted her out of a mental hospital."

"All right, then. I guess... Where is she meeting us?" Caitlin asked and Rudy was pulling out his cell phone, when it was beeping quickly.

"Outside the compound. She is already almost there." Liliana read the message off of Rudy's phone.

"You don't speak?" Caitlin asked and Rudy's eyes narrowed at her, before he moved his shirt to the side and there was a scar along his throat.

"My mom saved his life." Julianna said and Caitlin looked at her. "A perp cut at him. He was fresh out of med school, a month on the job and the best paramedic they had. Not all of our powers are destructive, Caitlin Strucker, you know that. Rudy can read vitals, he can read them just by looking at somebody."

Caitlin looked at Rudy, who was nodding slightly. "Another mutant who wasn't any harm, who lost their job after 7/15?" She guessed and he was nodding quickly.

"All right. Reminiscing is over with, who is in charge of getting John and Taylor out of there then? It can't just be the Struckers." Marcos interrupted and Rudy raised his hand. "But, you have no offensive abilities though."

"He has experience in the field, Marcos. He was a paramedic up until 7/15, he specialized in mutant medicine. He is a serious asset that we can use, especially if Taylor and John are injured." Julianna said and Marcos glanced at her, before he nodded. "All right, are we all in agreement? Can we trust one another to get this done?" She asked.

"I'll go in with the Struckers." Bernie spoke up and Julianna looked over at him, before he was slowly nodding. "You already said it yourself, we need as many people as we can." Bernie said as he walked over and he looked down at the map.

"All right. For Taylor and John." Julianna decided and they all looked at each other, before Bernie nodded.

"And for everybody else that we've lost along the way." Liliana murmured quietly and she was looking down at her hand, as it glowed with black and red sparks of power.

"Well, if you won't talk..." One of the Purifiers was holding up a power drill, as Taylor lashed her tail and she was yelling in pain as the drill was forced into her side.

"Stop, stop it!" John shouted and Taylor's blood spilled out onto the floor and she was curled up as best as she could. "Taylor." He said and she was shaking her head.

"Don't tell them shit." Taylor snarled defiantly and a shotgun blast hit her like thunder, splintering right where the drill had just hit her. Taylor bit down so hard on her lip, that it bled from how much pain she was in.

When John attempted to get them out of this, it only got them both hurt more and he was looking at her.

They were both yelling in pain as Taylor was being electrified, John was repeatedly being shot and Taylor cried out in pain.

Liliana was dealing with the bullets along with Lorna and Pyro, while Marcos kept the Purifiers away.

Taylor could hear it as she looked up and then, her eyes were blazing. "Leave him be! You son of a bitch!" She shouted and Bernie's icicles sent the Purifiers running for cover, while they were bursting through the doors.

Taylor groaned and quickly, Bernie was snapping the collar off and Taylor couldn't move. Rudy was helping her up and he was looking at her, before he was picking her up.

"I've got her!" Bullet called out and she pulled hard, as Taylor was wearing bits and pieces of metal and then, Taylor was brought back to safety quicker than before and the others were running.

Liliana's entire body was bursting with enraged energy and she was disintegrating the remaining Purifiers, that were firing at them all. Julianna was interrupting the all too brief fight between the Struckers, only to turn around and swiftly, just destroy the compound with the Fenris Force.

Taylor was curled up in a tight ball as Bernie was swiftly and then, he carefully moved his hand over the wounds and the ice was closing the wounds.

Taylor looked over at John and Clarice silently, before she was shaking her head and then, she closed her eyes again.

Taylor curled up in the backseat of the car next to John, who was watching her as she slept on her uninjured side. Taylor was curled up tightly in a ball to protect herself, to protect her internal injuries.

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