Author's note

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Hey there awesome readers!

First things first, major shoutout to my coffee maker and Spotify playlists for getting me through this. Couldn't have done it without you, you legends. ☕🎵

Now, here's the scoop – this is my maiden voyage into the world of novel-writing, and I'm both stoked and slightly terrified. Think of it like I'm stepping onto a literary tightrope, hoping not to trip over my own words (or fall into the metaphorical net of bad storytelling).

If you find yourself chuckling, rolling your eyes, or contemplating throwing the phone across the room – don't worry, you're not alone. I'll probably be doing the same thing while writing it.

So, buckle up, my awesome readers, because we're about to embark on an adventure. I promise to make you laugh, maybe cry (but like, in a cool way), and hopefully not regret picking up this book.

If you find typos, blame autocorrect. If you find plot holes, blame my cat walking on the keyboard. And if you find yourself loving it, well, I'll take full credit for that. 😉

Let's vibe through this literary journey together!

Much love and virtual high-fives,

With caffeinated enthusiasm,

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