Chapter 31 - pieces of the puzzle

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William Bartlett, an infamous politician with persistent suspicions of being an underworld gangster, loomed large in the room. His name resonated with notoriety, especially in connection to the infamous "Velvet Scandal." Though the police never officially accepted his involvement, his association with the scandal lingered in the shadows.

As Bartlett entered the gathering, Raven's blood boiled. The memories of the past, intertwined with the shadows of the Velvet Scandal, fueled a simmering rage within him. His gaze, usually composed and vigilant, now bore an intensity that hinted at a deeper, personal vendetta.

Eve, noticing the abrupt change in Raven's demeanor, shot him a concerned glance. "Raven, is everything okay?"

Raven, his jaw clenched, just nodded slightly.

Bartlett approached Mr. Dale with a familiar smirk, exchanging pleasantries that carried an air of calculated charm. "Aiden, always a pleasure to be in your esteemed company."

Mr. Dale reciprocated with a forced smile. "William, the pleasure is all mine."

As Bartlett turned his attention to Eve, his demeanor shifted into a display of exaggerated familiarity. He took her hand, bringing it to his lips with a flourish. "Ah, my dear Eve, you look more enchanting than ever."

Eve, though accustomed to his grandiose gestures from their past interactions, maintained a polite smile. "William, it's been a while."

Raven, observing the scene with growing unease, stepped forward, his protective instincts kicking in. "Mr. Bartlett, I think that's enough."

Bartlett, still holding Eve's hand, shot a condescending glance at Raven. "Ah, the vigilant bodyguard. Always so serious. No need to be overprotective, my friend."

Raven's tone remained firm. "We're done here, Bartlett. Move along."

Mr. Dale, sensing the escalating tension, stepped in between Raven and Bartlett, his expression a mix of irritation and forced courtesy. He shot a disapproving glare at Raven before turning his attention to Bartlett.

"I apologize, William. Raven can be a bit overzealous at times. Please, let's not let his attitude spoil the evening," Mr. Dale said, attempting to diffuse the mounting conflict.

Bartlett, always the master of maintaining appearances, flashed a diplomatic smile. "No offense taken, Aiden. I understand the importance of security, especially in these uncertain times."

Raven, though reluctantly stepping back, kept a vigilant eye on Bartlett.

As they all walked towards the sitting room, Eve couldn't resist whispering to Raven, her tone a mix of flirtation and genuine gratitude, "You know, Raven, I didn't expect you to speak up to Bartlett for me. It's... appreciated."

Raven, caught off guard by the unexpected praise, tried to maintain his composure. "It's my job to ensure your safety, Eve. No need to thank me."

Eve chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, I know it's your job, but it felt like more than that. Maybe a bit like... chivalry?"

Raven, smirked slightly. "Chivalry, in this day and age?"

Eve nudged him playfully. "Hey, it's still charming. And for the record, it suits you."

Raven, his usual calm demeanor slightly ruffled, found himself inexplicably pleased by Eve's words.

As they all sat down for lunch later that day, Bartlett, seemingly out of the blue, began asking questions about Eve's security. His words carried an unsettling undercurrent, as if each inquiry held a double meaning or hinted at something more sinister.

"So, Raven," Bartlett began, his tone casual but his eyes sharp, "how confident are you in ensuring Eve's safety? We wouldn't want a repeat of that unfortunate incident, now would we?"

Raven, accustomed to reading between the lines, felt a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Bartlett's words were like puzzle pieces, and Raven couldn't quite grasp the complete picture. He maintained his composure, responding evenly, "Security measures are in place, Mr. Bartlett. Eve's safety is our top priority."

Bartlett's smile held a cryptic quality, his eyes glinting with a hidden agenda. "Of course, of course. But you see, my dear Aiden," he turned to Mr. Dale, "one can never be too careful. Especially when dealing with matters of great importance."

Mr. Dale, though maintaining a composed exterior, subtly tensed at Bartlett's insinuations. The unspoken threat lingered in the air, creating an atmosphere of unease. Meanwhile, Eve, oblivious to the underlying tension, continued chatting with the other guests, unaware of the cryptic exchange taking place.

As the lunch continued, Raven couldn't shake the feeling that Bartlett's questions held a deeper significance.

As Mr. Dale, Bartlett, and the two other guests excused themselves and headed towards Mr. Dale's study, Raven's instincts kicked in. He recognized this as a crucial moment that could reveal missing pieces in the intricate dynamics of the Dale family's life. With a swift and unobtrusive move, Raven attempted to slip away from the gathering, knowing he had previously set up a discreet voice microphone in the study.

However, just as he was about to make his move, Eve, unaware of the covert events unfolding, intercepted him. "Raven, where do you think you're going?" she asked, a playful glint in her eyes.

Raven, thinking on his feet, conjured a quick response. "I just remembered I left something in my jacket. Be right back."

Eve raised an eyebrow, shooting him a teasing smile. "You're becoming forgetful, Raven. Should I start worrying?"

Raven managed a half-smile. "No need for that, Eve. I'll be right back."

Eve rolled her eyes, " atleast have lunch first."

Raven, looked at Eve with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Eve, but I've got to take this call from my girlfriend. You know how it is, she might get upset if I don't answer."

Eve, caught off guard by the mention of a girlfriend, felt an unfamiliar ache. It wasn't the usual twinge she experienced when her father left for the office without saying goodbye or the sorrow of losing a cherished possession. This ache was different, something she couldn't quite put into words.

With a forced smile, Raven made his exit, leaving Eve to ponder the unexpected pang of emotion that lingered in the air.

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