Chapter 27: Gaurdian's secret

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Raven was on a call with Jake, the low hum of his office surroundings providing a backdrop to their conversation. He leaned back in his chair, frustration evident in his voice as he ranted about his discussion with Mr. Dale.

"I'm telling you, Jake, there's something off about Mr. Dale. He's hiding something. What if he knows who the kidnapper was? Why isn't he revealing it? If he's unaware, then why not let the police handle it?" Raven's frustration echoed through the phone.

Jake, on the other end of the line, remained calm, his voice measured. "Raven, we can't jump to conclusions. Mr. Dale might have his reasons. It's not always as straightforward as it seems. Maybe the kidnapper is not someone he knows or a business rival. What if it's someone Eve knows or someone from her past?"

Raven sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I get that, Jake, but I can't shake the feeling that there's a connection between the Velvet Scandal and all of this. Mr. Dale's reluctance to cooperate only adds to the suspicion."

Jake paused, choosing his words carefully. "Look, Raven, concern at the moment is Eve's safety. Let's focus on that. Keep an eye on things, gather more information, but be discreet. If there's a connection to the Velvet Scandal, we'll find it. But we can't jeopardize Eve's safety by rushing into assumptions."

Raven nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Fine, Jake. I'll proceed cautiously, but I can't shake the feeling that we're missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. I'll keep you updated."

Jake, in an attempt to lighten the mood, teased Raven, "Hey, Raven, what if the kidnapper is just a hopeless romantic? Maybe someone who's secretly in love with Eve? Or perhaps an old flame from her past? You should ask her about it, you know. Might be an admirer who went about confessing their love in the weirdest way possible!"

Raven, felt an unexpected discomfort. "Jake, this is serious. We can't make light of the situation," he responded, a hint of seriousness in his tone.

Undeterred, Jake continued with a mischievous tone, "Come on, Raven, imagine the dramatic twist if it's a secret admirer, writing love letters and planning kidnappings. Sounds like a movie plot, right?"

Raven, realizing the attempt at humor, managed a reluctant chuckle. "Jake, this is not a rom-com. We need to focus on finding the truth, not crafting fictional scenarios."

The thought of someone from Eve's past or a potential admirer made him uneasy, a feeling he struggled to comprehend.

Jake, sensing the shift in Raven's mood, decided to ease up. "Alright, alright, no more romantic kidnappers. We'll stick to the investigation. But hey, a little humor never hurt anyone, right?"
"By the way, Raven, how's it going between you and Eve? Any sparks flying in the Dale mansion? You two seem to be getting cozy lately."

Raven, caught off guard, replied with a hint of confusion, "What are you talking about, Jake? I'm her bodyguard."

Jake chuckled, "Come on, Raven, even I can see there's something different. You've been acting more like pals than a bodyguard and his client. Are you sure you're not harboring some secret crush on Miss Dale?"

Raven's stoic demeanor wavered slightly, a rare moment of vulnerability showing. "Jake, it's not like that. Maybe the stress is getting to us."

Jake, undeterred, continued with a sly grin, "Stress or something else? Maybe it's the classic scenario - bodyguard falls for the person they're protecting. It's practically a movie cliché."

Raven, now visibly uncomfortable, retorted, "This is not a movie, Jake. Focus on the case, and let's not make this about personal matters."

Jake, sensing Raven's discomfort, finally relented, "Alright, Raven, no need to get defensive. Just having a bit of fun. Keep me posted on the investigation, and who knows, maybe you'll uncover a romantic twist in the Velvet Scandal too."

As the call ended, Raven couldn't shake off the lingering unease.

"Sparks? Secret crush? This is absurd. We're professionals. But why does the idea linger in my thoughts, and why does the mere suggestion of it feel more unsettling than I care to admit?"


Next chapter update: 20 jan 2024

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